Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust

Environmental Impact Statement - Sonoma Land Trust


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California Department of Fish and Game<br />

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br />

Section 3.11. Air Quality<br />

<strong>Impact</strong> AQ-2: Generation of Criteria Pollutant Emissions<br />

in Excess of Federal de minimis Thresholds<br />

Proposed Project<br />

Yearly emissions associated with the Project are presented in Tables 3.11-5<br />

through 3.11-7. These tables indicate that implementation of the Project would<br />

not result in the generation of emissions in excess of de minimis thresholds.<br />

Consequently, implementation of the Project is found to be a conforming project<br />

and potential effects are considered less than significant. No mitigation is<br />

required.<br />

Conclusion: Less than Significant.<br />

Full-Tidal Alternative<br />

Yearly emissions associated with the Full-Tidal Alternative are presented in<br />

Tables 3.11-8 through 3.11-10. Similar to the Project, these tables indicate that<br />

implementation of the Full-Tidal Alternative would not result in the generation of<br />

emissions in excess of de minimis thresholds. Consequently, implementation of<br />

the Full-Tidal Alternative is found to be a conforming project and potential<br />

effects are considered less than significant. No mitigation is required.<br />

Conclusion: Less than Significant.<br />

<strong>Impact</strong> AQ-3: Exposure of Sensitive Receptors to<br />

Substantial Pollution Concentrations or Objectionable<br />

Odors<br />

Proposed Project<br />

Construction activities such as dredging soil from the marshland could generate<br />

objectionable odors. Newly disturbed peat piles could release sulfide gas for<br />

several minutes, after which the emissions would dissipate. As stated above,<br />

sensitive receptors near the project area include adjacent Bay Trail users and<br />

three adjacent residences. Post-construction odors would be similar to existing<br />

conditions and are therefore not anticipated to result in an impact. However,<br />

during construction, short-term odors would likely result from excavation of<br />

marsh soils. Odor impacts, if they occur at all, would be localized. Such odor<br />

emissions would be temporary, limited to a short duration during and after<br />

excavation. Therefore, this impact is considered less than significant, and no<br />

mitigation is required.<br />

Conclusion: Less than Significant.<br />

Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration<br />

Project Final <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong><br />

Report/<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

3.11-24<br />

April 2012

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