program - SVIZ

program - SVIZ

program - SVIZ


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V Piranu rojeni Giuseppe Tartini je bil eden izmed najbolj znanih violinistov<br />

in glasbenih teoretikov svojega časa. V njegovo violinsko šolo v<br />

Padovi so se zgrinjali učenci iz mnogih dežel Evrope. Kot skladatelj je bil<br />

predvsem mojster sonate, ki jo je nemalokrat preoblikoval v prizorišče<br />

virtuoznosti. Zlasti v komornih sonatah (da camera) se je oddaljil od ustaljene,<br />

iz suite izpeljane oblike. Njegova dela so sodobnike presenečala z<br />

izrazno močjo in afektiranostjo ter z drznimi harmonijami. Smisel glasbe<br />

za Tartinija namreč ni bil »preprost čutni užitek, temveč vznemirjenje,<br />

stopnjevanje ali pomiritev afektov s toni«.<br />

Slovita violinska sonata s <strong>program</strong>skim naslovom »Vražji trilček« je bila<br />

znana že pred letom 1750, izšla pa je posthumno (1798) v Parizu. Ime je<br />

dobila po sanjah, v katerih naj bi Tartini slišal hudiča igrati na violino; ko<br />

se je zbudil, je »vražjo« melodijo oz. trilček poskusil zapisati. Čeprav se<br />

vragov trilček pojavi šele v zadnjem stavku, je z »vražje« težkimi trilčki<br />

začinjena cela sonata. Začetni »Larghetto« v značilnem punktiranem ritmu<br />

in pastoralnemu vzdušju siciliana je le zatišje pred nevihto energičnega in<br />

bojevitega »Allegra«. Kratek počasni »Grave« uvaja zaključni in tehnično<br />

virtuozni »Allegro«, v katerem se sonata izkaže vredno svojega imena:<br />

vodilno melodijo spremljajo številni zadržki in trilčki na drugih strunah.<br />

Vmesni kratki počasni interludiji so le oddih in priprava na zaključno<br />

virtuoznost solistične kadence, kjer kult virtuoznosti že napoveduje kult<br />

virtuoza, s katerim bo čez nekaj desetletij ovenčan Paganini.<br />

Not a great deal is known about the composer, organist and organ maker<br />

Isaac Posch. He was born in Krems, Austria, and attended a Protestant school<br />

in Regensburg, where he obtained his music education. In 1614, he became<br />

an organist in Klagenfurt, most likely also working amongst the Protestant<br />

aristocracy. Between 1607 in 1640, he lived temporarily in Kranj. The first of his<br />

two best known instrumental collections, Musicalische Ehrenfreudt (1618), is<br />

dedicated to the Provincial Estates of Carniola; in 1621 it was followed by the<br />

collection Musicalische Tafelfreudt. The collections primarily contain dance<br />

movements in the northern German or even English instrumental style and<br />

represent an important contribution to the early baroque ‘variation’ suite.<br />

The opening four compositions of the first collection – “ballettas” – were<br />

intended for the entertainment of the aristocracy at mealtime. These are<br />

followed by three-movement suites, which could either accompany a meal<br />

or be used for dancing.<br />


Amongst Antonio Vivaldi’s 500 concertos there are as many as 39 for bassoon,<br />

second in number only to the violin concertos. They were most likely<br />

written for performance in the Venetian institute for orphan girls, Ospedale<br />

della Pietà, which boasted musical activities of an enviable richness and<br />

where Vivaldi was employed; according to his contract with the Ospedale<br />

dating from 1723, Vivaldi was obliged to compose two new concertos each<br />


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