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424 assessment of climate change in the southwest united statesCase Studies of Climate Choices for a Sustainable SouthwestEnergy and Climate in the SouthwestBox 18.6With all states in the Southwest implementingRenewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), the developmentof renewable energy sources is thrivingacross the region. Taking advantage of its uniqueposition at the intersection of three of the country’sten major electrical grids as well as its naturalresources, New Mexico has the potential tobecome a major hub for renewable energy witha proposed Tres Amigas “superstation” linkingto the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, theSouthwest Power Pool, and the Western ElectricityCoordinating Council. New Mexico’s RPSrequires 10% of its energy to be generated fromrenewable sources by 2011, with an increase to20% by 2020. The state is capitalizing on its diverserenewable energy potentials, includingwind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels. To encouragethe increased production and demand foralternative and renewable energy, New Mexicois implementing a variety of tax credits, tax deductions,and innovation funds. In addition, thestate is expanding green-job training as well asresearch and development of clean technologyacross the state (as through the new North AmericanWind Research and Training Center, whichpartners with Sandia National Laboratories andNew Mexico State University) (Thorstensen andNourick 2010).Case Studies of Climate Choices for a Sustainable SouthwestSalt Lake City’s Emission Reduction EffortsBox 18.7Salt Lake City is striving to reduce GHG emissionsfrom municipal operations by 3% per yearfor the next ten years. By 2040, the city aims toreduce emissions by 70% (EPA n.d.). EPA andDOE have awarded an ENERGY STAR Awardfor Excellence to the Utah Building Energy EfficiencyStrategies (UBEES), a coalition of governmentagencies, members of the building industry,and stakeholders, for their energy efficiency andrenewable energy goals (Energy Star Programn.d.). Utah aims to source 20% of its energy fromrenewable energy sources by 2025. The state alsoaims to improve energy efficiency 20% by 2015(Energy Star Program n.d.). Utah’s first commercialwind power project generates nearly 19 MWof energy through an urban wind turbine installation.Located in Spanish Fork, a city of 32,000located fifty miles south of Salt Lake City, theproject is a remarkable example of small-scale renewableenergy production that faced many political,market, and social barriers and overcamethem successfully through a transparent and patientstakeholder engagement process (Hartman,Stafford and Reategui 2011).

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