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44 assessment of climate change in the southwest united statesTable 3.1 Federal laws and policies relevant to federal and other lands in the SouthwestFederal Law(Year Enacted)Land Base orResource CoveredRelevant AgencyOverarching GoalPOLICIES GUIDING FEDERAL LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCIESNational Park ServiceOrganic Act (1916)National Parks andother park unitsNPS“Conserve the scenery and naturaland historic objects and wild life …unimpaired for the enjoyment offuture generations”National Wildlife RefugeSystem AdministrationAct (1966)National WildlifeRefugesUSFWS (on-shoreresources); NOAA(offshore resources)Conservation, management, andrestoration of speciesFederal Land Policy andLand Management Act(1976)National Forest ManagementAct (1976)BLM Lands BLM Multiple use to best meet thepresent and future needs of theAmerican peopleNational Forests USFS Integrated planning for sustainedmultiple uses of renewableresourcesADDITIONAL LAWS PROTECTING PUBLIC LANDSAntiquities Act (1906) National Monuments Primarily NPS, alsoincluding USFS andBLMPreservation of resources of“historic or scientific interest”Wilderness Act (1964)Specified federalpublic landsPrimarily USFS,BLM, and NPSPreservation of lands with wildernesscharacteristicsNational LandscapeConservation SystemAct (2009)Specified federalpublic landsNPS, USFS, and BLMConservation, protection, andrestoration of nationally significantwestern public lands withoutstanding natural, cultural, orscientific valuesLAWS PROTECTING WILDLIFE AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICIESNational EnvironmentalPolicy Act (1969)Any major federalactionAll federal agenciesRequires review of environmentalimpacts resulting from any majorfederal actionEndangered Species Act(1973)Threatened andendangered speciesUSFWS, althoughapplies to all federalagenciesConservation, protection, andrecovery of threatened and endangeredspecies

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