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Glossary 495peer-review – the review process of an author’s scholarly research by experts in thesame field prior to its publication in order to critically evaluate the research, maintainacademic standards and credibilityperennial flow or perennial streamflow – surface water flow in streams and drainagesthat occurs year-roundperennial plants – plants that have a life cycle of greater than two years; examples includewoody plants, like trees and shrubsperidomestic birds – species of birds that live around human habitationperi-urban area – the area adjoining an urban area, a transition zone characterized byboth urban and rural activitiespersistence – the likelihood that a species will occupy and reproduce at a level that willnot lead to local extinction in a certain geographic area for a certain number of yearsphenology – the timing of seasonal events in the life cycle of plants and animals, such asthe development of leaves, blooms of flowers, spawning of fish, and migrations of birds;phenology is important, because as climate changes, these life cycle events may changein different ways for different species, such that, if temperature increases significantly,a crop’s flower may bloom and shrivel in advance of the arrival of an important pollinator(such as a bird, whose migration is timed with changes in the length of day), whichwould result in a lack of plant reproduction, and less food (possibly starvation) for thepollinatorphenotypic plasticity – the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in responseto environmental changes; phenotype includes the physical and biochemical characteristicsof an organism, such as its stature or blood typephotovoltaic solar (PV) – technology for conversion of sunlight into electricity throughthe photoelectric effect, a lower-cost solar technology than concentrated solar power (CSP)photosynthetic pathway – metabolism type of a plant; examples are CAM, C3, and C4(see definitions above)PM2.5 – particulate matter (airborne dirt and dust) smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter;pm2.5 particles are also referred to as “fine particles” and are believed to pose very largehealth risks, because they can easily lodge deeply into the lungsprimary production – production of green plant tissue in a given time period, accomplishedthrough conversion of the sun’s energy to chemical energy (organic compounds)by photosynthetic plants; primary production is an important measure of ecosystemoutput and healthprior appropriation doctrine – a legal water right that assigns priority of use to the firstperson or entity to put the water to “beneficial” use,” granting them right to the fullamount from available supplies before a junior appropriator (one who came later) canuse his: “first in time, first in right.”proxy – physical evidence from the past that provides an indication of prehistoric climaticconditions in place of direct measurements; examples are tree rings, ice cores, glaciersize and movement, sand dunes, lake sediments, and cave speleothems

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