Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


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17. What deficiencies and strengths do you see with the U.S. policy process onproliferation? What recommendations would you make for changes to the policyprocess on proliferation matters?18. Describe how specific elements within your department/agency interact onproliferation-related issues with foreign governments and with international ormultilateral organizations. Include formal arrangements as well as policies andpractices for ad hoc interaction. Provide a description <strong>of</strong> specific significant recentor ongoing cooperative efforts with foreign governments. Explain the mostsignificant factors hampering more effective cooperation with foreign governmentsas well as the factors that most ensure or enhance the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> suchcooperation. How have these relationships evolved over the last ten years? Has theUS Government been effective in its interactions with foreign governments onproliferation issues?19. Describe your department’s/agency’s role in achieving, monitoring, and/or verifyingbilateral and multilateral treaties, agreements, or commitments with respect to nonproliferation,including assurances regarding the future use <strong>of</strong> commodities exportedfrom the U.S.20. Describe any significant relationships with non-federal-government entities (e.g.,state and local governments, academic institutions and think tanks, industry, tradegroups and associations) that support proliferation-related activities.Evaluation/Accountability21. Describe the department’s/agency’s evaluation process, including criteria used todetermine success in achieving national and/or organization proliferation-relatedefforts.22. Please provide copies <strong>of</strong> any formal evaluations or audits undertaken in the lastthree years <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fices or elements involved in the proliferation-relatedefforts described above. Include any customer surveys, Inspector General reports,GAO reports, or other internal or external reports that address the effectiveness <strong>of</strong>your proliferation-related efforts.23. Describe the most significant successes and failures <strong>of</strong> your department’s/agency’sproliferation-related efforts over the last 8 years. What factors most significantlycontributed to these successes/failures?24. What does your agency see as the key proliferation-related challenges for thefuture? In your view, is the US Government prepared to address these concerns?132

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