Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


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The annual report to Congress indicates that where there is an Area for CapabilityEnhancement that has no priority for the Department <strong>of</strong> Energy or for the IntelligenceCommunity, then that organization does not have any effort for that Area <strong>of</strong> CapabilityEnhancement. The Counter-proliferation Program Review Committee has two subcommittees:* The Counter-proliferation Capabilities Working Group co-chaired by the Joint Staff (J3)and the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary <strong>of</strong> Defense for Counter-proliferation andChemical and Biological Defense (DASTD(CP/CBD)), which develops and coordinatesDepartment <strong>of</strong> Defense policy, operational concepts/requirements, and related ProgramOperating Memorandum efforts; and* The Counter-proliferation Intelligence Integration Support Initiative (CPI 2 SP) to establishcritical linkages with the Intelligence Community.• The Nonproliferation and Arms Control Technology Working Group(NPAC TWG), established by Presidential Decision Directive 27, advisesthe Counter-proliferation Program Review Committee on investmentpriorities, reviews Research and Development programs and provides aforum for information exchange.• The Joint Staff’s Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC)assesses and prioritizes Military requirements into the Planning,Programming and Budgeting System cycle; and includes a Joint WarfightingCapabilities Assessment working group on deterrence and counterproliferation.In 1996, the Commanders-in-Chief endorsed a list <strong>of</strong> 16counter-proliferation “required capabilities”, which they considerednecessary to conduct the counter-proliferation mission from a warfightingperspective. This list currently contains 19 required capabilities and is underperiodic formal review within the Department. The Joint RequirementsOversight Council addresses weapons <strong>of</strong> mass destruction issues throughrequirements and acquisition and Joint Warfighting CapabilitiesAssessment processes. These processes serve to incorporateCommanders-in-Chief requirements, integrate needs into the ProgramOperating Memorandum and planning cycle, and establish advocacy forcounter-proliferation products. For 1999, the Commanders-in Chief counterproliferationrequirements are shown in the table below.Priority Commanders-in-Chief Counter-proliferation Requirements for 19991 Provide Individual Protection to Forces and Assist Allies/Coalition Partners with Relief from theEffects <strong>of</strong> NBC2 Intercept the Conventional Delivery <strong>of</strong> WMD and Control Collateral Effects3 Provide Collective Protection to Forces and Assist Allies/Coalition Partners with relief from theEffects <strong>of</strong> NBC50

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