THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

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128 <strong>THE</strong> <strong>GOD</strong>-<strong>MAN</strong>I have to make reference at this point to two books published in London, both <strong>of</strong> which hadwide circulations, in which lengthy accounts <strong>of</strong> <strong>Baba</strong> were given. <strong>The</strong> journalist who had visitedhim in 1931 had published A Search in Secret India in 1933. It contains a chapter entitled 'I meeta Messiah'. <strong>The</strong> writer describes how he approached <strong>Baba</strong>, who, he says, was sitting in a cave; hewas smoking a cigarette <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> had to be asked to put it out, he also records. His account <strong>of</strong> the 'socalledMessiah' was as follows, 'his forehead ... is so low as to appear less th<strong>an</strong> average height,<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> it is so receding as to make me wonder', which makes one wonder, too, if he were describingthe right m<strong>an</strong>. He said that <strong>Baba</strong> promised him 'wonderful spiritual experiences'. When the writer,then known as Raphael Hirsch, came to see me in London some time after his visit he said he hadno doubt <strong>Baba</strong> was false, as he, Raphael Hirsch, had asked him to perform a miracle but <strong>Baba</strong>could not.Another rather more serious work appeared this year, 1935, by Rom L<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>au, entitled God isMy Adventure. <strong>The</strong> author had heard <strong>of</strong> <strong>Baba</strong> from the interview <strong>with</strong> James Douglas mentionedon <strong>an</strong> earlier page: <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> says that he went to see him a few weeks after at a house in L<strong>an</strong>casterGate. His account is a more sympathetic, more detailed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> better written book th<strong>an</strong> the other,but, while there is a good deal <strong>of</strong> common sense in what he says, L<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>au was clearly unable tomake <strong>an</strong>ything <strong>of</strong> <strong>Baba</strong>, beyond saying that, 'In a world in which there is a Steiner there must alsobe room for a Shri <strong>Meher</strong> <strong>Baba</strong>'. <strong>Baba</strong> remained a mystery to him, as he does to those who lookat him <strong>with</strong> preconceived ideas.<strong>Baba</strong> beg<strong>an</strong> making arr<strong>an</strong>gements for going into seclusion for one year. For a period <strong>of</strong> fourmonths, from March to June, instructions were given <strong>with</strong> regard to the m<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ali living at<strong>Meher</strong>abad <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the hundreds <strong>of</strong> other people who were dependent upon him. During this periodhe travelled unceasingly to Ahmednagar, Nasik, Poona, Bombay, Madras, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other places wherehis followers lived.He had become very frail, for not only had the long journey to <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> from California tired him,but on the voyage from Hong Kong to Colombo he had entered upon a fast, living only uponmilk. He continued the fast for a month after reaching <strong>Meher</strong>abad. He was also doing <strong>with</strong>outmuch sleep during the whole <strong>of</strong> this time. For a few days he went to a quiet place near Igatpuri,about thirty miles from Nasik, at the Ghoti dak-bungalow in the mountains, but in three days hewas back again in Nasik.<strong>Baba</strong> selected <strong>an</strong>other place <strong>of</strong> retirement after making those nearest to him gather informationabout m<strong>an</strong>y <strong>of</strong> the mountainous places <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>

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