THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MAN</strong> 393m<strong>an</strong>, he must m<strong>an</strong>ifest himself whenever the forces <strong>of</strong> evil threaten to destroy hum<strong>an</strong> values.A. K. B<strong>an</strong>erjee in his History <strong>of</strong> Philosophy Eastern <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Western (Allen & Unwin, 1952) says' all thediverse orders <strong>of</strong> beings in the world may in a general sense be spoken <strong>of</strong> as incarnations (avataras) <strong>of</strong> thesupreme Being.' <strong>The</strong> Bauls <strong>of</strong> Bengal say in one <strong>of</strong> their songs, 'As we look on every creature we find eachto be his avatara.' <strong>The</strong>se are not statements affirming the Avatar, as such.If the idea <strong>of</strong> Avatar has <strong>an</strong>y specific me<strong>an</strong>ing it must go beyond <strong>an</strong>y consciousness <strong>of</strong> his own nature thatm<strong>an</strong> may acquire, just as it must be more th<strong>an</strong> 'God in everything'. That the Gods become men <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> liveamong them is a popular element in Hindu religion, in which there is a place for m<strong>an</strong>y devas or Gods. <strong>The</strong>same, c<strong>an</strong>, indeed, be said <strong>of</strong> the Homeric world <strong>of</strong> the Greeks, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>of</strong> Greek popular religion in which theGods had hum<strong>an</strong> form. <strong>The</strong> Rom<strong>an</strong> Virgil starts a poem written before the birth <strong>of</strong> Christ:<strong>The</strong> great procession <strong>of</strong> the ages begins <strong>an</strong>ew. Now the Virgin returns, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the reign <strong>of</strong> Saturn returns, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>the new child is sent down from high heaven.In India, Vishnu, the Preserver <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Saviour, one <strong>of</strong> the aspects <strong>of</strong> the supreme Brahm<strong>an</strong>, had a number <strong>of</strong>incamations, 1 the favourites being Rama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Krishna, the latter the most loved because <strong>of</strong> his bravery,kindness <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> gaiety. <strong>The</strong>re is a tendency, too, in India to apply the description <strong>of</strong> Avatar to remarkable men,as for inst<strong>an</strong>ce Ramakrishna. 21 Some say the first descent was in the form <strong>of</strong> a fish, others say a tortoise.2 Ramakrishna (1836-86) was a priest devoted to the service <strong>of</strong> the goddess Kill. He was <strong>with</strong>out Westerneducation, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> could not write: a Hindu, he practised both Islam <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Christi<strong>an</strong>ity, one after the other: a Godintoxicatedm<strong>an</strong>, sometimes thought mad, a great teacher, who disclaimed being a founder <strong>of</strong> a religion orsect. His str<strong>an</strong>ge ecstasies before the image <strong>of</strong> Kali made his followers feel that he had become the goddess.Ramakrishna had difficulty at times in keeping his mind normally conscious <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> would slap himself <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pullhis hair to do so. An Avatar should have no difficulty. His disciple Swami Vivek<strong>an</strong><strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a quoted him assaying on his deathbed, 'He who was Rama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Krishna is now Ramakrishna in the body - but not in yourVed<strong>an</strong>tic sense.' That he was a Perfect Master is certain, but I am not sure that more c<strong>an</strong> be said <strong>of</strong> him. Itdoes not seem to me to be <strong>of</strong> great consequence to say more, for reasons I have already indicated: the divineconsciousness in both Perfect Masters <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Avatars is the same, though their activities are different. (Cf.Romain Roll<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> - Prophets <strong>of</strong> the New India. London 1903 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Sayings <strong>of</strong> Sri Ramakrashna. Mylapore,Madras, India, 1960.)

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