THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

THE GOD-MAN The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an ...

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<strong>THE</strong> NEW LIFE 195its, desires, cravings <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> longings, is completely consumed by the fire <strong>of</strong> Divine Love, thenthe infinite, indestructible, indivisible, eternal Self is m<strong>an</strong>ifested. This is m<strong>an</strong>onash, the<strong>an</strong>nihilation <strong>of</strong> the false, limited, miserable, ignor<strong>an</strong>t, destructible 'I', to be replaced by the real'I', the eternal possessor <strong>of</strong> Infinite Knowledge, Love, Power, Peace, Bliss <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Glory, in itsunch<strong>an</strong>geable existence."M<strong>an</strong>onash results in this glorious state in which plurality goes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Unity comes, ignor<strong>an</strong>cegoes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Knowledge comes, binding goes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Freedom comes. We are a11 in this shorelessOce<strong>an</strong> <strong>of</strong>Infinite Knowledge, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> yet are ignor<strong>an</strong>t <strong>of</strong> it until the mind - which is the source <strong>of</strong>ignor<strong>an</strong>ce - v<strong>an</strong>ishes for ever; for ignor<strong>an</strong>ce ceases to exist when the mind ceases to exist."Unless <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> until ignor<strong>an</strong>ce is removed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Knowledge is gained - the Knowledge wherebythe Divine <strong>Life</strong> is experienced <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lived - everything pertaining to the Spiritual is paradoxical."God, whom we do not see, we say is real; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the wor1d, which we do see, we say is false.In experience, what exists for us does not really exist; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> what does not exist for us, reallyexists."We must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves; thus loss itself is gain. We must die toself to live in God: thus death me<strong>an</strong>s <strong>Life</strong>."We must become completely void inside to be completely possessed by God: thus completeemptiness me<strong>an</strong>s absolute Fullness."We must become naked <strong>of</strong> selfhood by possessing nothing, so as to be absorbed in theinfinity <strong>of</strong> God: thus nothing me<strong>an</strong>s Everything."For these last four months, according to ordinary hum<strong>an</strong> st<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ards, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> by ways <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> me<strong>an</strong>sknown to me, I have tried my utmost for the achievement <strong>of</strong> m<strong>an</strong>onash, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> I c<strong>an</strong> say in alltruth that I feel satisfied <strong>with</strong> the work done. This satisfaction is due to the feeling I have, <strong>of</strong>having regained my old-life <strong>Meher</strong> <strong>Baba</strong> state - yet retaining my New <strong>Life</strong> ordinary state. Ihave regained the Knowledge, Strength <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Greatness that I had in the Old <strong>Life</strong>, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> retainedthe ignor<strong>an</strong>ce, weaknesses <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> humility <strong>of</strong> the New <strong>Life</strong>. This union <strong>of</strong> the old <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the newlife states has given birth to <strong>Life</strong> that is eternally old <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> new."<strong>Life</strong> for me now me<strong>an</strong>s:(1) Free <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> obligationless life.(2) <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> a Master in giving orders; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>of</strong> a Serv<strong>an</strong>t in all humility.(3) <strong>The</strong> feeling <strong>of</strong> absolute conviction that we are all eternally One, Indivisible <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>Infinite in essence; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> it a feeling <strong>of</strong> separateness from the real OmnipresentSelf, through ignor<strong>an</strong>ce.

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