Temperature - European Investment Bank

Temperature - European Investment Bank

Temperature - European Investment Bank


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Mount Coffee HPP ESIA and RAP 2012-09-18<br />

ESIA Report Page 254<br />

46 Oldfieldia Africana<br />

47 Ongokea gore<br />

48 Panda oleosa<br />

49 Parinaris excels<br />

50 Pellegriniodendron diphyllum<br />

51 Pentadesma butyracea<br />

52 Penthaclethra macrophylla<br />

53 Petersianthus macrocarpus<br />

54 Piptadeniastrum africanum<br />

55 Pschotria sp<br />

56 Rhodognaphalon brevicuspe<br />

57 Rinorea dentata<br />

58 Saccoglottis gabonensis<br />

59 Santiria trimera<br />

60 Stachyothyrsus stapfiana<br />

61 Strombosia glaucescens<br />

62 Symphonia globulifera<br />

63 Terminalia ivorensis<br />

64 Terminalia superb<br />

65 Tetraberlinia tubmaniana<br />

66 Uapaca guineensis<br />

67 Vitex corbisieri<br />

68 Vitex micrantha<br />

69 Xylopia aethiopica<br />

70 Xylopia staudtii<br />

71 Xylopia parviflora<br />

72 Zanthoxylum tessmannii<br />

Table 30-8: Plants listed in the IUCN Red List<br />

No. Family Species IUCN<br />

1 Annonaceae Monocyclanthus vignei EN<br />

2 Sapotaceae Neolemonniera clitandrifolia EN<br />

3 Sapindaceae Placodiscus pseudostipularis EN<br />

4 Sapotaceae Tieghemella heckelii EN<br />

5 Euphorbiaceae Amanoa bracteosa VU<br />

6 Euphorbiaceae Amanoa strobilacea VU<br />

7 Rhizophoraceae Anopyxis klaineana VU<br />

8 Leguminosae Anthonotha vignei VU<br />

9 Leguminosae Berlinia occidentalis VU<br />

9 Leguminosae Copaifera salikounda VU<br />

10 Boraginaceae Cordia platythyrsa VU<br />

11 Leguminosae Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum VU<br />

12 Euphorbiaceae Drypetes afzelii VU<br />

13 Meliaceae Entandrophragma angolense VU<br />

14 Meliaceae Entandrophragma candollei VU<br />

15 Meliaceae Entandrophragma utile VU<br />

16 Sterculiaceae Eribroma oblonga VU<br />

17 Leguminosae Gilbertiodendron bilineatum VU<br />

18 Meliaceae Guarea cedrata VU<br />

19 Meliaceae Guarea thompsonii VU<br />

20 Leguminosae Guibourtia ehie VU<br />

21 Rubiaceae Hallea ledermannii VU

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