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destroying, the pit well shall be thoroughly dredged to remove any construction debristhat may have accumulated during demolition.7. The CMP casing in the existing pit well shall be cut at 5-feet below ambient grade. Theremaining casing shall be filled with Bentonite Clay in accordance with California WellStandards-Requirements for Destroying Wells.8. A Well destruction report shall be prepared by a C57 licensed Contractor (Water WellDrilling Contractor).9. In any type of demolition, care shall be taken to see that small items such as bolts,concrete pieces, etc., do not fall and affect any equipment below.10. Disinfection chemicals and chemical, electrical, and process equipment removed fromthe existing pump house and storage shed shall be designated for salvage or disposed ofin accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.11. All other construction debris shall be removed from the National Monument andproperly disposed of. Any material which the Contracting Officer may wish to save orreuse shall be stored as per the Contracting Officer direction.12. Upon completion of the demolition phase of the project, the disturbed area shall berestored to ambient conditions in terms of grade, compaction, and surface vegetation.The entire area shall be made broom clean.F. Removal of Existing Equipment1. All equipment to be removed or replaced shall be done so in a safe manner and suchthat the equipment and any associated piping or wiring is not damaged.2. Not specified to be salvaged, existing equipment becomes property of the Contractor.3. All materials and equipment designated to be salvaged shall remain the property of theContracting Officer.a. Clean and washout all foreign materials and debris from salvaged items.Remove, haul, unload, and store at the location specified by the ContractingOfficer.b. Place salvaged items weighing 70 kg or more onto new and unused skids priorto storing.c. Contracting Officer will inspect salvaged items at delivery site. Damaged itemsshall be removed and disposed by the Contractor at no additional expense tothe Government.G. Pipe Penetration Demolition1. For pipe and conduit 12 IN and smaller installed through existing walls and slabs,demolish as required to provide penetration required.2.3.04 HAZARDOUS MATERIALSA. If suspected hazardous materials are encountered during demolition of existing facilities, allwork is to be terminated immediately and the Contracting Officer is to be immediately notified.B. Contractor shall provide the necessary equipment required to monitor worker air for thepresence of airborne lead (from lead based paints) and asbestos from piping, gaskets, andbuilding materials in the existing pump house and storage building.3.05 DISPOSAL02072-305/08 DEMOLITION

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