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2. The paver shall be equipped with a receiving hopper having sufficient capacity for auniform spreading operation. The hopper shall be equipped with a distribution system toplace the mixture uniformly in front of the screed.3. Maintain screed at the proper elevation at each end by controlling the elevation of one endand automatically controlling the transverse slope or by controlling the elevation of eachend independently or as directed by the Contracting Officer.4. The screed or strike-off assembly shall effectively produce a finished surface of therequired evenness and texture without tearing, shoving or gouging the mixture. The pavershall be capable of being operated at forward speeds consistent with satisfactory laying ofthe mixture.D. Rollers:1. Rollers shall be of the steel-wheel, vibratory, pneumatic tire type, or combination, capableof reversing without backlash. Steel-wheel rollers other than vibrating shall be capable ofexerting a force of not less than 250 pounds per inch of width of the roller. Vibratingsteel-wheel rollers shall have a minimum weight of 6 tons.2. Pneumatic-tired rollers shall have smooth tread tires of equal size that will provide auniform compaction pressure for the full width of the roller and shall be capable ofexerting a ground pressure of at least 80 pounds per square inch.3 .2 APPLICATIONA. Conditioning of Existing Surface:1. When the old base is irregular, it shall be brought to uniform grade and cross section asdirected by the Contracting Officer. Sawcut all existing pavement edges back to clean andsound material.2. Paint contact surfaces of sawcut asphalt concrete, curbing, gutters, manholes, and otherstructures with a thin, uniform coating of bituminous material before placing thebituminous mixture against them.B. Preparation of Bituminous Material: Provide a continuous supply of the bituminous material tothe mixer at a uniform temperature at all times; avoid local overheating.C. Material delivered to the paver shall not be less than 225 degrees F.3 .3 SPREADING AND FINISHING MIXA. The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread and struck off to the grade andelevation established. Use bituminous pavers to distribute the mixture either over the entire widthor over such partial width as may be practicable.B. The longitudinal joint in one layer shall offset that in the layer immediately below byapproximately 6 inches.C. On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical spreading andfinishing equipment impracticable, the mixture shall be spread and raked by hand tools. For suchareas the mixture shall be dumped, spread, and screeded to give the required compacted thickness.12/97 02743-4ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT

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