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GLOBAL ZERO COMMISSION ON NUCLEAR RISK REDUCTION REPORTDE-ALERTING AND STABILIZING THE WORLD’S NUCLEAR FORCE POSTURESRUSSIA FIRST FORCES ONLINE ALL FORCES IN UNITSilo-based Regiments:Restore Warheads 24 hrs 58 daysRestore Gas Generators 10 hrs 4 daysRestore Flight Batteries 8 hrs 3 daysRoad-mobile Regiments:Restore Warheads 30 hrs 23 daysRestore Flight Batteries 8 hrs 6 daysRestore Removal of Metal Beams 12 hrs 9 daysRestore Re-build of Launcher 36 hrs 27 daysStrategic Submarines:Restore Warheads 12 hrs 8 daysOther (e.g., Open Welded Tubes*) >24 hrs >20 daysStrategic Bombers:Upload Weap<strong>on</strong>s >12 hrs >2 daysTactical Forces:Upload Weap<strong>on</strong>s 24 hrs 30 days* Potential safety hazard.UNITED STATES FIRST FORCES ONLINE ALL FORCES IN UNITSilo-based Squadr<strong>on</strong>s:Restore Targets 15 mins 24 hrsUndo “Safing” 3 hrs 10 hrsRestore Lid Explosives 10 hrs 5 daysRemove Heavy Objects 12 hrs 7 daysRestore Warheads 24 hrs 9 daysRec<strong>on</strong>nect Stages 6 hrs 4 daysStrategic Submarines:Restore Warheads (In Port) 3 hrs 3 daysRestore Warheads (Onboard) 12 hrs (weather dependent) >5 daysRestore Inverters 2 hrs 1 dayRestore Range >2 days >2 daysStrategic Bombers:Upload Weap<strong>on</strong>s >12 hrs 2 daysTactical Forces:Upload Weap<strong>on</strong>s 24 hrs 7 days (⅓) / 100 days (all)87

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