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GLOBAL ZERO IS THE INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENTFOR THE ELIMINATION OF ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS.Since its launch in Paris in December 2008, Global Zero has grown to include300 eminent world leaders and half a milli<strong>on</strong> citizens worldwide;hosted four Global Zero Summits and numerous regi<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>ferences;built an internati<strong>on</strong>al student movement with hundreds of student campuschapters in dozens of countries; produced the acclaimed documentaryfilm, Countdown to Zero, with the team behind An Inc<strong>on</strong>venient Truth; andlaunched cutting-edge internati<strong>on</strong>al campaigns in key countries with compelling,high-producti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tent to reach milli<strong>on</strong>s of people worldwidewith an empowering call to acti<strong>on</strong>.Senior political leaders around the world have endorsed Global Zero, withPresident Barack Obama declaring, “Global Zero will always have a partnerin me and my administrati<strong>on</strong>.” Leading newspapers – including TheNew York Times, The Ec<strong>on</strong>omist and the Financial Times – have backedGlobal Zero’s plan, the Financial Times c<strong>on</strong>cluding that, “Global Zero’s planhas shown the directi<strong>on</strong> to be travelled; the world’s leaders must now startmoving.”For more informati<strong>on</strong>, please visit www.<str<strong>on</strong>g>global</str<strong>on</strong>g><str<strong>on</strong>g>zero</str<strong>on</strong>g>.org.We are grateful for the extraordinary support of Dr. Jennifer Allen Sim<strong>on</strong>s and The Sim<strong>on</strong>sFoundati<strong>on</strong> (Principal Sp<strong>on</strong>sor of Global Zero). We also wish to acknowledge the generoussupport of the Skoll Global Threats Fund, the Ploughshares Fund, Valentine Schaffner andMin-Myn Jung, the Foreign Ministry of Switzerland, The Levin Charitable Trust, The FrankelFoundati<strong>on</strong>, John and Jessica Fullert<strong>on</strong>, the Telemachus Fund and Deb Sawyer.