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GLOBAL ZERO COMMISSION ON NUCLEAR RISK REDUCTION REPORTDE-ALERTING AND STABILIZING THE WORLD’S NUCLEAR FORCE POSTURESticularly, circulating advance notificati<strong>on</strong>s of missilelaunches around the world and sharing real-time data<strong>on</strong> these launches.5. The parties to the multinati<strong>on</strong>al de-alerting negotiati<strong>on</strong>agree to (i) place and keep their <strong>nuclear</strong> forces<strong>on</strong> a low level of alert, requiring 24-72 hours to realert,(ii) reject prompt launch tactics, e.g., launch <strong>on</strong>warning, (iii) provide pertinent informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> theirde-alerted <strong>nuclear</strong> postures, (iv) allow <strong>on</strong>-site inspecti<strong>on</strong>sto verify these postures according to agreedprocedures, (v) collaborate <strong>on</strong> developing furtherm<strong>on</strong>itoring technologies and techniques as needed toremedy any verificati<strong>on</strong> shortcomings, (vi) limit thescope and timing of any re-alerting activity undertakenfor any reas<strong>on</strong>, and (vii) provide prior notificati<strong>on</strong>of any such re-alerting activity.10. The <strong>nuclear</strong> weap<strong>on</strong>s countries and key n<strong>on</strong>-<strong>nuclear</strong>countries appoint task forces c<strong>on</strong>sisting of former seniornati<strong>on</strong>al security officers and officials to reviewthe other recommendati<strong>on</strong>s of this <strong>report</strong>.6. Russia and China agree to provide advance notificati<strong>on</strong>of all tests of missiles capable of reaching the territoriesof the other nati<strong>on</strong>.7. India and Pakistan invite a mutually acceptable facilitatorto revitalize talks <strong>on</strong> measures to improve <strong>nuclear</strong>security and prevent an accidental <strong>nuclear</strong> exchange,share informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> <strong>nuclear</strong> doctrines, andimprove their capabilities for crisis communicati<strong>on</strong>s.8. India and Pakistan renounce strikes against each other’snati<strong>on</strong>al command authorities, establish in eachcountry a strategic <strong>risk</strong> management unit, and furtherstrengthen the safety and security of their <strong>nuclear</strong>weap<strong>on</strong>s during storage, transportati<strong>on</strong>, andhandling.9. NATO reaffirms the <strong>nuclear</strong> “Three NOs” (“no intenti<strong>on</strong>,no plan and no reas<strong>on</strong> to deploy <strong>nuclear</strong> weap<strong>on</strong>s<strong>on</strong> the territory of new members”) predicated <strong>on</strong>Russia committing not to deploy <strong>nuclear</strong> weap<strong>on</strong>s t<strong>on</strong>ew locati<strong>on</strong>s in European Russia.89

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