Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions - Stanford ...

Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions - Stanford ...

Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions - Stanford ...


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24594 Rev. 3.10 February 2005 AMD64 Technology2.5.3 PseudocodeDefinitionsPseudocode examples are given for the actions of severalcomplex instructions (for example, see “CALL (Near)” onpage 87). The following definitions apply to all suchpseudocode examples://///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Basic Definitions/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// All comments start with these double slashes.REAL_MODE = (cr0.pe=0)PROTECTED_MODE = ((cr0.pe=1) && (rflags.vm=0))VIRTUAL_MODE = ((cr0.pe=1) && (rflags.vm=1))LEGACY_MODE = (efer.lma=0)LONG_MODE = (efer.lma=1)64BIT_MODE = ((efer.lma=1) && (cs.L=1) && (cs.d=0))COMPATIBILITY_MODE = (efer.lma=1) && (cs.L=0)PAGING_ENABLED = (cr0.pg=1)ALIGNMENT_CHECK_ENABLED = ((cr0.am=1) && (eflags.ac=1) && (cpl=3))CPL = the current privilege level (0-3)OPERAND_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 (depending on current code <strong>and</strong> 66h/rex prefixes)ADDRESS_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 (depending on current code <strong>and</strong> 67h prefixes)STACK_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 (depending on current code <strong>and</strong> SS.attr.B)old_RIPold_RSPold_RFLAGSold_CSold_DSold_ESold_FSold_GSold_SSRIPRSPRBPRFLAGSnext_RIPCSSSSRCDESTtemp_*= RIP at the start of current instruction= RSP at the start of current instruction= RFLAGS at the start of the instruction= CS selector at the start of current instruction= DS selector at the start of current instruction= ES selector at the start of current instruction= FS selector at the start of current instruction= GS selector at the start of current instruction= SS selector at the start of current instruction= the current RIP register= the current RSP register= the current RBP register= the current RFLAGS register= RIP at start of next instruction= the current CS descriptor, including the subfields:sel base limit attr= the current SS descriptor, including the subfields:sel base limit attr= the instruction’s Source oper<strong>and</strong>= the instruction’s Destination oper<strong>and</strong>// 64-bit temporary registerChapter 2: Instruction Overview 49

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