Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 8-INTRODUCTION TO THERMODYNAMICSdefinition, 1 horsepower is equal to 33,000 footpounds<strong>of</strong> work per minute or 550 foot-pounds <strong>of</strong>work per second. Thus a machine that is capable<strong>of</strong> doing 550 foot-pounds <strong>of</strong> work per second issaid to be a 1-horsepower machine.THERMAL ENERGYEnergy associated primarily with systems<strong>of</strong> molecules is called thermal energy. Likeother kinds <strong>of</strong> energy, thermal energy may existin stored form (in which case it is called internalenergy) or as energy in transition (inwhich case it is called heat) .In common usage, the term heat is <strong>of</strong>ten usedto include all forms <strong>of</strong> thermal energy. However,this lack <strong>of</strong> distinction between heat and thestored forms <strong>of</strong> thermal energy can lead toserious confusion. In this text, therefore, theterm internal energy is used to describe thestored forms <strong>of</strong> thermal energy , and the termheat is used only to describe thermal energyin transition.Internal EnergyInternal energy, like all stored forms <strong>of</strong>energy, exists either as potential energy or askinetic energy.Internal potential energy is the energy associatedwith the forces <strong>of</strong> attraction that existbetween molecules. The magnitude <strong>of</strong> internalpotential energy is dependent upon the mass <strong>of</strong>the molecules and the average distance by whichthey are separated, in much the same way thatmechanical potential energy depends upon themass <strong>of</strong> the bodies in the system and the distanceby which they are separated. The force <strong>of</strong>attraction between molecules is greatest insolids, less in liquids and yielding substances,and least <strong>of</strong> all in gases and vapors. Wheneversomething happens to change the average distancebetween the molecules <strong>of</strong> a substance,there is a corresponding change in the internalpotential energy <strong>of</strong> the substance.Internal kinetic energy is the energy associatedprimarily with the activity <strong>of</strong> molecules,just as mechanical kinetic energy is the energyassociated with the velocities <strong>of</strong> relatively largebodies. It is important to note that the temperature<strong>of</strong> a substance arises from and is proportionalto the molecular activity with which internalkinetic energy is associated.For most purposes, we will not need todistinguish between the two stored forms <strong>of</strong>internal energy. Instead <strong>of</strong> referring to internalpotential energy and internal kinetic energy,therefore, we may <strong>of</strong>ten simply use the terminternal energy . When used in this way, withoutqualification, the term internal energy shouldbe understood to mean the sum total <strong>of</strong> allinternal energy stored in the substance or systemby virtue <strong>of</strong> the motion <strong>of</strong> molecules or byvirtue <strong>of</strong> the forces <strong>of</strong> attraction betweenmolecules.HeatAlthough the term heat is more familiar thanthe term internal energy ,it may be more difficultto arrive at an accurate definition <strong>of</strong> heat.Heat is thermal energy in transition. Like work,heat is a transitory energy form existing betweentwo or more other forms <strong>of</strong> energy.Since the flow <strong>of</strong> thermal energy can occuronly when there is a temperature differencebetween two objects or regions, it is apparentthat heat is not a property or attribute <strong>of</strong> anyone object or substance. If a person accidentallytouches a hot stove, he may understandably feelthat heat is a property <strong>of</strong> the stove. More accurately,however, he might reflect that his handand the stove constitute an energy system andthat thermal energy flows from the stove to hishand because the stove has a higher temperaturethan his hand.As another example <strong>of</strong> the difference betweenheat and internal energy, consider two equallengths <strong>of</strong> piping, made <strong>of</strong> identical materialsand containing steam at the same pressure andtemperature. One pipe is well insulated, one isnot. From everyday experience, we expect moreheat to flow from the uninsulated section <strong>of</strong> pipethan from the insulated section. When the twopipes are first filled with steam, the steam inone pipe contains exactly as much internal enetgyas the steam in the other pipe. We know this istrue because the two pipes contain equal volumes<strong>of</strong> steam at equal pressures and temperatures.After a few minutes, the steam in the uninsulatedpipe will contain much less internal energythan the steam in the insulated pipe, as we cantell by reading the pressure and temperaturegages on each pipe. What has happened? Storedthermal energy— internal energy— has movedfrom one place to another, first from thesteam to the pipe, then from the uninsulatedpipe to the air. It ic this movement, orthis flow, <strong>of</strong> energy that should properly becalled heat. Temperature is a reflection <strong>of</strong> the161

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