Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGREFLECTORSIn a reactor <strong>of</strong> finite size, the leakage <strong>of</strong>neutrons from the core becomes somewhat <strong>of</strong>a problem. To minimize the leakage, a reflectoris used to assist in keeping the neutronsin the reactor. The use <strong>of</strong> a reflectorreduces both the required size <strong>of</strong> the reactorand the radiation hazards <strong>of</strong> escaping neutrons.The characteristics required for a reflectorare essentially the same as those required fora moderator.Since ordinary water <strong>of</strong> high purity is suitablefor moderators, coolants, and reflectors,the inference is that it could serve all threefunctions in the same reactor. This is indeedthe case in many nuclear reactors.SHIELDINGThe shielding <strong>of</strong> a nuclear reactor servesthe dual purpose <strong>of</strong> (1) reducing the radiationso that it will not interfere with the necessaryinstrumentation, and (2) protecting operatingpersonnel from radiation.The type <strong>of</strong> shielding material used isdependent upon the purpose <strong>of</strong> the particularreactor and upon the nature <strong>of</strong> the radioactiveparticles being attenuated or absorbed.The shielding against alpha particles isa relatively simple matter. Since an alphaparticle has a positive electrical charge <strong>of</strong> 2,a few centimeters <strong>of</strong> air is all that is requiredfor attenuation. Any light material such asaluminum or plastics makes a suitable shieldfor beta particles.Neutrons and gamma rays have considerablepenetrating power; therefore, shielding againstthem is more difficult. Since neutrons are bestattenuated by elastic collisions, any hydrogenousmaterial such as polyethylene or water is suitableas a neutron shield. Sometimes polyethylenewith boron is used for neutron shields, asboron has a high neutron capture cross section.Gamma rays are best attenuated by a densematerial such as lead.NUCLEAR REACTORSThe purpose <strong>of</strong> any power reactor is toprovide thermal energy which can be convertedto useful work. Several types <strong>of</strong> experimentaland operational reactors have beendesigned. They include the Pressurized WaterReactor (PWR), the Sodium Cooled Reactor,the Experimental Boiling Water Reactor, theExperimental Breeder Reactor, and the ExperimentalGas Cooled Reactor.The first full-scale nuclear-powered centralstation in the United States was the PressurizedWater Reactor (PWR) at Shippingport, Pennsylvania.The Shippingport PWR is a thermal,heterogeneous reactor fueled with enricheduranium-235 "seed assemblies" arrangedin a square in the center <strong>of</strong> the core, surroundedby "blanket assemblies" <strong>of</strong> uranium- 238 fuelelements. Figure 24-7 shows a cross-sectionalview <strong>of</strong> the PWR reactor and core. This type<strong>of</strong> reactor can be called a converter , since theuranium-238 is converted into the fissionablefuel <strong>of</strong> plutonium-239.A schematic diagram <strong>of</strong> PWR and its associatedsteam plant with power output andflow ratings is shown in figure 24-8. Thereactor plant consists <strong>of</strong> a single reactorwith four main coolant loops; the plant iscapable <strong>of</strong> maintaining full power on threeloops. Each coolant loop contains a steamgenerator, a pump, and associated piping.High purity water at a pressure <strong>of</strong> 2000psia serves as both moderator and coolantfor the plant. At full power the inlet watertemperature to the reactor is 508° F and theoutlet temperature is 542° F.The coolant enters the bottom <strong>of</strong> the reactorvessel (fig. 24-9) where 90 percent <strong>of</strong> the waterPLACE FOREXTRA 8LANKETASSEMBLYCONTROL ROD

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