Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGSince there is only one path for current inthe series circuit, the total current is the samein all parts <strong>of</strong> the circuit. Dividing both sides <strong>of</strong>the voltage equation by the common factor I, anexpression is derived for the total resistance <strong>of</strong>the circuit in terms <strong>of</strong> the resistances <strong>of</strong> theindividual devices:RlAA/VW-5nRt = Rl- R2 + R3Therefore, in series circuits the total resistanceis the sum <strong>of</strong> the resistances <strong>of</strong> theindividual parts <strong>of</strong> the circuit.In the example <strong>of</strong> figure 20-6, the totalresistance is 5+10+15= 30 ohms. The totalcurrent may be found by applying the equation^t 30 ^TI). = on = 1 ampereRt"^"The power absorbed by resistor R^ is I^R^,or 1^x5=5 watts. Similarly, the power absorbedby R2 is 1^ X 10 = 10 watts, and the power absorbedby R3 is l2 X 15 = 15 watts. The totalpower absorbed is the arithmetic sum <strong>of</strong> thepower <strong>of</strong> each resistor, or 5 + 10 + 15 = 30 watts.The value is also calculated by Pt = Etl^ =30 X 1 = 30 watts.Parallel CircuitsThe parallel circuit differs from the simpleseries circuit in that two or more resistors, orloads, are connected directly to the same source<strong>of</strong> voltage. There is accordingly more than onepath that the electrons can take. The more paths(or resistors) that are added in parallel, the lessopposition there is to the flow <strong>of</strong> electrons fromthe source. This condition is opposite to the effectthat is produced in the series circuit whereadded resistors increase the opposition to theelectron flow.As may be seen from figure 20-7, the samevoltage is applied across each <strong>of</strong> the parallelresistors. In this case the voltage applied acrossthe resistors is the same as the source voltage,Figure 20-7.— Parallel electric circuit.13.16resistance <strong>of</strong> the branch, the higher will bethe current through that branch. The individualcurrents can be foundby the application <strong>of</strong> Ohm'slaw to the individual resistors. Thus,andand^sT 30 „I1 = — = 3— = 6 amperes^1s 30 „I9 = — = rr- = 3 amperes10RrE3 Rq30301 ampereThe total current. It, <strong>of</strong> the parallel circuitis equal to the sum <strong>of</strong> the currents through theindividual branches. This, in slightly differentwords, is Kirchh<strong>of</strong>f's law. In this case, the totalcurrent isT = Ij + I2 + I„= 6 + 3 + 1 = 10 amperesCurrent flows from the negative terminal <strong>of</strong>the source to point a where it divides and passesthrough the three resistors to point band back tothe positive terminal <strong>of</strong> the voltage source. Theamount <strong>of</strong> current flowing through each individualbranch depends on the source voltage and on theresistance <strong>of</strong> that branch— that is, the lower theIn order to find the equivalent, or total,resistance (R^) <strong>of</strong> the combination shown infigure 20-7, Ohm's law is used to find each <strong>of</strong>the currents (I^, Ii, I2, and Ig) in the precedingformula. The total current is equal to the sum<strong>of</strong> the branch currents. Thus,498

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