Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGFigure11.319X14-16.— Swing-check valve.valves or as check valves, depending upon theposition <strong>of</strong> the valve stem. These valves areknown as stop-check valves .11.318Figure 14-15.— Butterfly valve.and closes when the pressure on the outlet sideis greater. All check valves open and closeautomatically.A swing- check valve is illustrated in figure14-16. Figures 14-17 and 14-18 show alift-checkvalve. As may be seen, the disk <strong>of</strong> the swingcheckvalve moves through an arc, while thedisk <strong>of</strong> a lift-check valve moves up and down inresponse to changes in the pressure <strong>of</strong> the incomingfluid. A good example <strong>of</strong> a ball-check valveis the discharge valve in the bimetallic steamtrap, described and illustrated earlier in thischapter.Stop-Check ValvesAs we have seen, most valves can be classifiedas being either stop valves or checkvalves.Some valves, however, function either as stopStop-check valves are shown in cross sectionin figure 14-19. As may be seen, this type <strong>of</strong>valve looks very much like a lift- check valve.However, the valve stem is long enough so thatwhen it is screwed all the way down it holdsthe disk firmly against the seat, thus preventingany flow <strong>of</strong> fluid. In this position, the valve actsas a stop valve. When the stem is raised, theside can be opened by pressure on the inletside. In this position, the valve acts as a checkvalve, allowing the flow <strong>of</strong> fluid in only oneThe maximum lift <strong>of</strong> the disk is con-direction.trolled by the position <strong>of</strong> the valve stem. Therefore,the position <strong>of</strong> the valve stem limits theamount <strong>of</strong> fluid passing through the valve evenwhen the valve is operating as a check valve.Stop -check valves are widely used throughoutthe <strong>engineering</strong> plant. One <strong>of</strong> the best examplesis the so-called boiler feed check valve,which is actually a stop- check valve ratherthan a true check valve. Stop- check valves areused in many drain lines; on the discharge side<strong>of</strong> many pumps; and as exhaust valves on auxiliarymachinery.376

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