Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 10- PROPULSION BOILERSFigure 10-6 shows a Boiler Tube RenewalSheet for a double-furnace boiler and illustratesthe method used to identify tubes.The water wall tube row is not identified bya letter in figure 10-6. The tubes in this row are<strong>of</strong>ten identified by the letter W and a followingletter which indicates the type <strong>of</strong> tube or itsposition in the row. Still another letter (an R oran L) may be added to indicate that the tube isstudded or finned on the right-hand side or onthe left-hand side.The tubes which screenthe superheater fromdirect radiant heat are identified in figure 10-6as the LA, LB, and LC rows. Within each row,the individual tubes are numbered: LA-1, LA-2,LA-3, and so forth.Figure 10-6 identifies the superheater supportand drum support tubes as the LD row.Note that these are NOT superheater tubes.The superheater tubes in this boiler, as inmostboilers, are installed horizontally. The superheatersupport tubes and the drum support tubesare installed vertically; they are identified asLD-1, LD-2, LD-3, and so forth.The first row <strong>of</strong> division wall tubes is identifiedin figure 10-6 as the LE row. The secondrow <strong>of</strong> division wall tubes may be identified asthe LF row or as the D row. Identification <strong>of</strong>tubes in this row is usually made by using therow identification (LF, D, or whatever rowidentification is used for the particular boiler)followed by a letter to indicate the type <strong>of</strong> tubeor its position in the row; still another letter(an R or an L) may be added to indicate that thetube is studded or finned on the right-hand sideor on the left-hand side.Tubes in the main generating bank are identifiedby lettering the rows and numbering theindividual tubes, as shown in figure 6-6. Thetwo rows nearest the saturated-side furnace areslightly larger than the rest <strong>of</strong> the generatingtubes; they serve as water screen tubes. Thesetwo rows are <strong>of</strong>ten called the RA and the RBrows. Individual tubes in these rows are identifiedby number in the same way that the rest <strong>of</strong>the generating tubes are identified.Note that the superheater tubes are alsoidentified in figure 10-6. Identification <strong>of</strong> superheatertubes is discussed in the section thatdeals with superheaters.The discussion <strong>of</strong> boiler tube identificationgiven here is based on one particular type <strong>of</strong>boiler— that is, a double-furnace boiler. Thesame general principles <strong>of</strong> tube identificationapply to most other drum-type boilers now in<strong>naval</strong> use, but the details <strong>of</strong> tube identificationare necessarily different in different types <strong>of</strong>boilers.SuperheatersMost propulsion boilers now in <strong>naval</strong> servicehave convection-type superheaters, with waterscreen tubes installed between the superheaterand the furnace to absorb the intense radiantheat and thus protect the superheater.Most convection-type superheaters haveU-shaped tupes which are installed horizonallyin the boiler and two headers which are installedmore or less vertically at the rear <strong>of</strong>the boiler. One end <strong>of</strong> each U-shaped tube entersone superheater header, and the other endenters the other header. The superheater headersare divided internally by one or more divisionplates which act as baffles to direct theflow <strong>of</strong> steam. In some cases the superheaterheaders are divided externally as well as internally.Figure 10-7 illustrates some convectiontypesuperheater arrangements that are usedon double-furnace boilers. Part A is apian view<strong>of</strong> the superheater tubes, showing how the tubesenter the headers. Part B shows a superheaterin which each header is divided into two sections,and illustrates the flow <strong>of</strong> steam throughthe superheater. Part C illustrates the flow <strong>of</strong>steam through a superheater in which one headerhas one internal division and the other headerhas two internal divisions. As may be seen fromfigure 10-7, the steam makes several passesthrough the furnaces. The number <strong>of</strong> passes isdetermined by the number <strong>of</strong> header divisionsand by the relative locations <strong>of</strong> the steam inletand the steam outlet.The superheater tubes are installed so thattheir U-shaped ends project forward toward thefront <strong>of</strong> the boiler. In a double-furnace boiler,the superheater tubes project forward into aspace between the water screen tubes and sometubes called furnace division wall tubes . Thesuperheater tubes and the surrounding waterscreen and division wall tubes are thus togetherthe dividing line between the superheater-sidefurnace and the saturated-side furnace. In asingle-furnace boiler, the superheater tubesproject forward into a space in the main bank<strong>of</strong> generating tubes. The tubes between thesuperheater tubes and the furnace serve aswater screen tubes.Some recent boilers have walk- in or cavitytypesuperheaters. In this type <strong>of</strong> superheater,237

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