Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 3-STABILITY AND BUOYANCYSince moving a weight which is already aboardwill cause no change in displacement, there canbe no change in M, the metacenter. If M remainsfixed, then the upward movement <strong>of</strong> thecenter <strong>of</strong> gravity results in a loss <strong>of</strong> metacentricheight:whereGjM GM - GG 1G,M = new metacentric height (after weightmovement), in feetGM = old metacentric height (before weightmovement), in feetGGj^ = rise in center <strong>of</strong> gravity,in feetIf the ammunition on the main deck is moveddown to the 6th deck, the positions <strong>of</strong> G and Gjwill be reversed. The shift in G can be foundfrom thesame formula as before, the only differencebeing that GGj^ now becomes a gain inmetacentric height instead <strong>of</strong> a loss (fig. 3-18).If a weight is moved vertically downward, theship's center <strong>of</strong> gravity, G, will move straightdown on the centerline and the correction is additive.In this case the sine curve is plotted belowthe abscissa. The final stability curve is thatportion <strong>of</strong> the curve above the sine correctioncurve.A vertical shift in theship'scenter <strong>of</strong> gravitychanges every righting arm throughout the entirerange <strong>of</strong> stability. If the ship is at any angle <strong>of</strong>heel, such as 6 in figure 3-18, the righting armis GZ with the center <strong>of</strong> gravity at G. But if thecenter <strong>of</strong> gravity shifts to G^ as the result <strong>of</strong> avertical weight shift upward, the righting armbecomes Gj^Zj^, which is smaller than GZ by theamount <strong>of</strong> GR. In the right triangle GRGj, theangle <strong>of</strong> heel is at Gj; hence the loss <strong>of</strong> therighting arm may be found fromGR = GG^ X sin $This equation may be stated in words as: Theloss <strong>of</strong> righting arm equals the rise in the center<strong>of</strong> gravity times the sine <strong>of</strong> the angle <strong>of</strong> heel . Thesine <strong>of</strong> the angle <strong>of</strong> heel is a ratio which can befound by consulting a table <strong>of</strong> sines.If the loss <strong>of</strong> GZ is found for 10°, 20°, 30°,and so forth by multiplying GG^ by the sine <strong>of</strong>the proper angle, a curve <strong>of</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> rightingarms can be obtained by plotting values <strong>of</strong>GG^ X sin e vertically against angles <strong>of</strong> heelhorizontally, which results in a sine curve. Whenplotted, the curve is as illustrated in figure 3- 19.The sine curve may be superimposed on theoriginal stability curve to show the effect onstability characteristics <strong>of</strong> moving the weight upin a ship. Inasmuch as displacement is unchanged,the righting arms <strong>of</strong> the old curve needbe corrected for the change <strong>of</strong> G only, and noother variation occurs. Consequently, if GGj^ xsin e is deducted from each GZ on old stabilitycurve, the result will be a correct righting armcurve for the ship after the weight movement.In figure 3-20 a sine curve has been superimposedon an original stability curve. The dottedarea is that portion <strong>of</strong> the curve which was lostdue to moving the weight up, whereas the linedarea is the remaining or residual portion <strong>of</strong> thecurve. The residual maximum righting arm isAB and occurs at an angle <strong>of</strong> about 37°. The newrange <strong>of</strong> stability is from 0°to 53°.The reduced stability <strong>of</strong> the new curve becomesmore evident if the intercepted distancesbetween the old GZ curve and the sine curve aretransferred down to the base, thus forming anew curve <strong>of</strong> static stability (fig, 3-21). Wherethe old righting arm at 30° was AB, the new onehas a value <strong>of</strong> CB, which is plotted up from thebase to locate point D (CB = AD) and thus a pointis established at 30° on the new curve. A series<strong>of</strong> points thus obtained by transferring intercepteddistances down to the base line delineatesthe new curve, which maybe analyzed as follows:GM is now the quantity represented by EF.Maximum righting arm is now the quantityrepresented by HI.Angle at which maximum righting arm occursis 37 °.Range <strong>of</strong> stability is from 0° to 53°.Total dynamic stability is represented by theshaded area.HORIZONTAL WEIGHT SHIFTWhen the ship is upright, G lies in the foreand aft centerline, and all weights on board arebalanced. Moving any weight horizontally willresult in a shift in G in an athwartship direction,parallel to the weight movement. B and Gare no longer in the same vertical line and anupsetting moment exists at 0° inclination, whichwill cause the ship to heel until B moves underthe new position <strong>of</strong> G. In calm water the ship will45

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