Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGtapers inward, so the amount <strong>of</strong> clearance betweenthe flange and the cylinder varies accordingto the position <strong>of</strong> the valve. When the valveis open, the clearance is greater than when thevalve is closed.When the trap is first cut in, pressure fromthe inlet (chamber A) acts against the underside<strong>of</strong> the flange and lifts the disk <strong>of</strong>f the valve seat.Condensate is thus allowed to pass out throughthe orifice in the seat; and, at the same time, asmall amount <strong>of</strong> condensate (called control flow)flows up past the flange and into chamber B, Thecontrol flow discharges through the control orifice,into the outlet side <strong>of</strong> the trap, and the pressurein chamber B remains lower than the pressurein chamber A.As the line warms up, the temperature <strong>of</strong> thecondensate flowing through the trap increases.The reverse taper <strong>of</strong> the cylinder varies theamount <strong>of</strong> flow around the flange until a balancedposition is reached in which the total forceexerted above the flange is equal to the totalforce exerted below the flange. It is importantto note that there is still a pressure differencebetween chamber A and chamber B. The forceis equalized because the effective area abovethe flange is larger than the effective area belowthe flange. The difference in working area issuch that the valve maintains an open, balancedposition when the pressure in chamber B is 86percent <strong>of</strong> the pressure in chamber A.As the temperature <strong>of</strong> the condensate approachesits boiling point, some <strong>of</strong> the controlflow going to chamber B flashes into steam asit enters the low pressure area. Since the steamhas a much greater volume than the water fromwhich it is generated, pressure builds up in thespace above the flange (chamber B). When thepressure in this space is 86 percent <strong>of</strong> the inletpressure (chamber A), the force exerted on thetop <strong>of</strong> the flange pushes the entire disk downwardand so closes the valve.With the valve closed, the only flow throughthe trap is past the flange and through the controlorifice. When the temperature <strong>of</strong> the condensateentering the trap drops slightly, condensateenters chamber B without flashing intosteam. Pressure in chamber B is thus reducedto the point where the valve opens and allowscondensate to flow through the orifice in thevalve seat. Thus the entire cycle is repeatedcontinuously.With a normal condensate load, the valveopens and closes at frequent intervals, discharginga small amount <strong>of</strong> condensate at eachopening. With a heavy condensate load, the valveremains wide open and allows a continuousdischarge <strong>of</strong> condensate.ORIFICE -TYPESTEAM TRAPS.-Aboardship, continuous-flow steam traps <strong>of</strong> the orificetype are used in some constant service steamsystems, oil heating steam systems, ventilationpreheaters, and other systems or services inwhich condensate forms at a fairly constantrate. Orifice-type steam traps are not suitablefor services in which the condensate formationis not continuous.There are several variations <strong>of</strong> the orificetypesteam trap, but all types have one thingin common—they contain no moving parts. Oneor more restricted passageways or orificesallow condensate to trickle through but do notallow steam to flow through. Some orifice-typesteam traps have baffles as well as orifices.BIMETALLIC STEAM TRAPS. -Bimetallicsteam traps <strong>of</strong> the type shown in figure 14-8are used on many ships to drain condensatefrom main steam lines, auxiliary steam lines,and other steam lines. The main working parts<strong>of</strong> this steam trap are a segmented bimetallicelement and a ball-type check valve.The bimetallic element consists <strong>of</strong> severalbimetallic strips2 fastened together in a segmentedfashion, as shown in figure 14-8. Oneend <strong>of</strong> the bimetallic element is fastened rigidlyto a part <strong>of</strong> the trap body; the other end, whichis free to move, is fastened to the top <strong>of</strong> thestem <strong>of</strong> the ball-type check valve.Line pressure acting on the check valvetends to keep the valve open. When steam entersthe trap body, the bimetallic element expandsunequally because <strong>of</strong> the differential responseto temperature <strong>of</strong> the two metals; the bimetallicelement deflects upward at its free end, thusmoving the valve stem upward and closing thevalve. As the steam cools and condenses, thebimetallic element moves downward, towardthe horizontal position, thus opening the valveand allowing some condensate to flow out throughthe valve. As the flow <strong>of</strong> condensate begins, agreater area <strong>of</strong> the ball is exposed to the higherpressure above the seat. The valve now openswide and allows a full capacity flow <strong>of</strong> condensate.2The principle <strong>of</strong> bimetallic expansion is discussedin chapter 7 <strong>of</strong> this text.370

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