Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGsuperheat decreases if the feed temperature isincreased, more saturated steam is generatedfrom the burning <strong>of</strong> the same amount <strong>of</strong> fuel.The increased quantity <strong>of</strong> saturated steam causesan increase in the rate <strong>of</strong> flow through the superheater.Since there is no increase in the amount<strong>of</strong> heat available for transfer to the superheater,the degree <strong>of</strong> superheat drops slightly.Under conditions <strong>of</strong> constant load and a constantrate <strong>of</strong> combustion, what happens to thesuperheat if the amount <strong>of</strong> excess air'* is increased?To see why an increase in excess airresults in an increase in temperature at thesuperheater outlet, we must take it step by step:1. An increase in excess air decreases theaverage temperature in the furnace.2. With the furnace temperature lowered,there is less temperature difference between thegases <strong>of</strong> combustion and the water in the boilertubes.3. Because <strong>of</strong> the smaller temperature difference,the rate <strong>of</strong> heat transfer is reduced.4. Because <strong>of</strong> the decreased rate <strong>of</strong> heattransfer, the evaporation rate is reduced.5. The lower evaporation rate causes areduction in the rate <strong>of</strong> steam flow through thesuperheater, with a consequent rise in the superheateroutlet temperature.In addition to this series <strong>of</strong> events, anotherfactor also tends to increase the superheateroutlet temperature when the amount <strong>of</strong> excessair is increased. Large amounts <strong>of</strong> excess airtend to cause combustion to occur in the tubebank rather than in the furnace itself; as a result,the temperature in the area around the superheatertubes is higher than usual and the superheateroutlet temperature is higher.Any appreciable amount <strong>of</strong> moisture in thesteam entering the superheater causes a verynoticeable drop in superheat. This occurs becausesteam cannot be superheated as long asit is in contact with the water from which it isbeing generated. If moisture enters the superheater,therefore, a good deal <strong>of</strong> heat must beused to dry the steam before the temperature<strong>of</strong> the steam can rise.The condition <strong>of</strong> the superheater tube surfaceshas an important effect on superheaterThe term "excess air" is used to indicate any quantity<strong>of</strong> combustion air in excess <strong>of</strong> that which istheoretically required for the complete combustion <strong>of</strong>the fuel. Some excess air is necessary for efficientcombustion, but too much excess air is wasteful, asdiscussed in a later section <strong>of</strong> this chapter.254outlet temperature, K the tubes have soot on theoutside or scale on the inside, heat transfer willbe retarded and the degree <strong>of</strong> superheat will bedecreased.If the water screen tubes have soot on theoutside or scale on the inside, heat transfer tothe water in these tubes will be retarded. Thereforethere will be more heat available fortransfer to the superheater as the gases <strong>of</strong>combustion flow through the tube bank. Consequently,the superheater outlet temperature willrise.The single-furnace boiler is lighter andsmaller, for any given output <strong>of</strong> steam, than thedouble-furnace boiler. Because the singlefurnaceboiler supplies superheated steam atlow steaming rates, the overall plant efficiencyis better with this type <strong>of</strong> boiler than with thedouble-furnace boiler. The single-furnace boilerhas the further advantage <strong>of</strong> simplicity <strong>of</strong> operationand maintenance. Although the singlefurnaceboiler considered here does not havecontrolled superheat, this lack is less importantthan might have been supposed, since some <strong>of</strong>the theoretical advantages <strong>of</strong> controlled superheathave not been entirely realized in practice.The basic design <strong>of</strong> the single-furnace boilerhas been used increasingly. Except for experimentalboilers, no double-furnace boilers havebeen installed on combatant ships since WorldWar II. The newer single-furnace boilers operateat approximately 600 psi or at approximately1200 psi. Operating temperature at the superheateroutlet is quite commonly 950° F for the1200-psi boilers; this is 100° F higher than theoperating temperature <strong>of</strong> most double-furnaceboilers, and 200° F higher than the operatingtemperature <strong>of</strong> the older single-furnace boilers.One <strong>of</strong> the most noticeable differences betweenthe older and the newer single-furnaceboilers is the change in furnace design. Higherheat release rates are possible in the newerboilers. Although these newer single-furnaceboilers are not the type that we refer to as"pressurized-furnace" boilers, they do <strong>of</strong>tenuse a slightly higher combustion air pressurethan the older single-furnace boilers. The use <strong>of</strong>higher air pressure causes an increase in thevelocity <strong>of</strong> the combustion gases, and the increasedvelocity results in a higher rate <strong>of</strong> heattransfer to the generating tubes. Because <strong>of</strong> theincreased heat release rates, a newer singlefurnaceboiler is likely to have a water-cooledro<strong>of</strong> and water-cooled rear walls as well aswater-cooled side walls.

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