Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGThe MHD conversion is similar to the thermoelectricconversion and the thermionic conversionin some respects but quite unlike themin others. All three conversions involve the directconversion <strong>of</strong> thermal energy into electricalenergy, without the intervening step <strong>of</strong> conversionto mechanical energy; in this sense, all threemay be regarded as "direct energy conversions."But the MHD conversion, unlike the thermoelectricand thermionic conversions, requiresa working fluid— namely, a hot ionized gas.In this respect, then, the MHD conversion issomewhat less a "direct energy conversion"than the other two processes.The major problems in connection with magnetohydrodynamicconversion arise from the factthat extremely high temperatures (in excess <strong>of</strong>4000 ° F) must be developed in order to produceionization <strong>of</strong> the gas. Obviously, such high temperaturespose materials problems. Also, it isdifficult to achieve such temperatures on thelarge scale desired for MHD generators. Nuclearreactors capable <strong>of</strong> operating at these ultra- hightemperatures are under development but are notfully operational. When chemical fuels such asoil or powdered coal are used, the desired temperaturescan be obtained only if combustiontakes place with almost pure oxygen or if thecombustion air is preheated to approximately2000° F.In spite <strong>of</strong> the temperature problem, the magnetohydrodynamicconversion process continuesto arouse great interest among scientists andengineers. It should be noted, in fact, that thetemperature problem is only one side <strong>of</strong> the coin.On the other side, the use <strong>of</strong> such high temperaturesleads to thepossibility<strong>of</strong> thermal efficienciesfar greater than any that are even theoreticallypossible with conventional heat engines. Ithas been estimated that overall efficiencies ashigh as 50 to 60 percent may be achieved throughMHD conversion, if provision is made for utilizingthe "waste" heat <strong>of</strong> the MHD process. Theadvantage <strong>of</strong> utilizing the waste heat is enormous,since the ionized gas is at a temperature <strong>of</strong> 2500°to 3000° F when it is discharged from the generator.COMBINED POWER PLANTSIn recent years there has been a great deal<strong>of</strong> interest in the use <strong>of</strong> combined power plantsfor ship propulsion. In a combined power plant,two basically different kinds <strong>of</strong> prime movers areused to furnish propulsive power. Each type <strong>of</strong>prime mover has its own inherent limitations, aswell as its own unique advantages; the purpose <strong>of</strong>combining two prime movers is to make full use<strong>of</strong> the specialadvantages<strong>of</strong> eachand, atthe sametime, to minimize or bypass its limitations.Combined power plants are <strong>of</strong> particular interestfor <strong>naval</strong> ships because <strong>of</strong> the constantneed to reconcile conflicting operational requirements.On the one hand, a <strong>naval</strong> ship mustbe able to operate at high speeds when necessary.On the other hand, the ship must be able to cruiseeconomically at lower speeds for extended distancesand extended periods <strong>of</strong> time. "^ If the primemover is selected specifically for high speedoperation, there is normally some sacrifice <strong>of</strong>cruising radius. If the prime mover is selectedspecifically for economical operation at cruisingspeeds, there is normally some sacrifice <strong>of</strong>speed capability. In most cases, then, the selection<strong>of</strong> a prime mover represents a compromisebetween high speed capability and large cruisingradius. 8For many <strong>naval</strong> applications, it appears thatconflicting operational requirements can be reconciledby combining a base-load plant <strong>of</strong> moderateweight and high efficiency with a boosterplant <strong>of</strong> very light weight and lesser efficiency.The base- load plant is selected to meet cruisingrequirements, and should be able to go manyhours between overhauls. The booster plant willinevitably require overhauls at much shorter intervalsbut is capable <strong>of</strong> providing additionalpower for high speed operation when necessary.A combined power plant for ship propulsionusually consists <strong>of</strong> two prime movers which aremechanically connected by gearing, clutching, orboth. In some combination plants, the two primemovers have interrelated thermodynamic cyclesin which one prime mover utilizes waste heatfrom the other. In other combination plants, thethermodynamic cycles <strong>of</strong> the two prime moversare entirely separate and independent.A great many combinations <strong>of</strong> prime moversare possible, though not all combinations areequally feasible or desirable. Also, for any given^More than 80 percent <strong>of</strong> the total operating time <strong>of</strong><strong>naval</strong> ships is at speeds requiring less than a third <strong>of</strong>the power available from the Installed plant.SThis does not necessarily apply to nuclear ships. Obviously,however, the use <strong>of</strong> nuclear power bringsabout the necessity for another set <strong>of</strong> compromises.638

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