Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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CHAPTER 11BOILER FITTINGS AND CONTROLSThe fittings, instruments, and controls usedon <strong>naval</strong> boilers are sufficiently numerous andimportant to warrant separate discussion. Theterm boiler fittings is used to describe a number<strong>of</strong> attachments which are installed in orclosely connected to the boiler and which arerequired for the operation <strong>of</strong> the boiler. Boilerfittings are generally divided into two classes.Internal fittings (also called internals ) are thoseinstalled inside the steam and water spaces <strong>of</strong>the boiler; external fittings are those installedoutside the steam and water spaces. Boilerinstruments such as pressure gages and temperaturegages are usually regarded as externalbqiler fittings. Boiler controls are special systemswhich automatically control the fuel oil,combustion air, and feed water inputs in orderto regulate the steam output <strong>of</strong> the boiler.ESTTERNAL FITTINGSThe internal fittings installed in the steamdrum usually include equipment for distributingthe incoming feed water, for giving surfaceblows, and for directing the flow <strong>of</strong> steam andwater within the steam drum. In addition, boilerswhich do not have controlled superheat havedesuperheaters for desuperheating steam neededfor auxiliary purposes; the desuperheater ismost commonly installed in the steam drum,but is installed in the water drum in some <strong>of</strong>the newer boilers. Internal fittings in someboilers also include equipment for injectingchemicals for boiler water treatment.The specific design and arrangement <strong>of</strong>boiler internal fittings varies somewhat fromone type <strong>of</strong> boiler (and from one boiler manufacturer)to another. The arrangement <strong>of</strong> internalsin several boilers is therefore describedhere.Figure 11-1 illustrates atypical arrangement<strong>of</strong> internal fittings installed in the steam drum<strong>of</strong> a header-type boiler. This illustration alsoshows many <strong>of</strong> the external connections. Feedwater enters through the feed inlet (A) and flowsto the internal feed pipe (B), The feed pipe iscapped at one end. The horizontal part <strong>of</strong> thefeed pipe runs about 80 percent <strong>of</strong> the length <strong>of</strong>the drum, well below the normal water level.The feed pipe is perforated along the upper sideso that the feed water will be evenly distributedalong the length <strong>of</strong> the pipe.The dry pipe (C) is suspended near the top<strong>of</strong> the steam drum, along the centerline <strong>of</strong> thedrum. Both ends <strong>of</strong> the dry pipe are closed.Steam enters by way <strong>of</strong> perforations in theupper surface <strong>of</strong> the dry pipe. Thus the steammust change direction in order to enter the drypipe. Since some moisture is lost wheneversteam changes direction, the dry pipe acts asa device to separate steam and moisture. Steamleaves the dry pipe through the main steam outlet(D) and from there goes to the superheater.A few perforations in the bottom <strong>of</strong> the dry pipeallow water droplets to drain back down to thewater in the steam drum.A longitudinal baffle (N) also helps to separatemoisture from the steam before the steamenters the dry pipe. The baffle is installed insuch a way as to allow steam to flow to the drypipe but to keep moisture (and any solid matterthat might be carried over with the moisture)from entering the dry pipe.The surface blow-<strong>of</strong>f pipe (E) is used to removegrease, scum, and light solids from theboiler water and to reduce the salinity <strong>of</strong> theboiler water while the boiler is steaming. Thesurface blow-<strong>of</strong>f pipe is installed near the center<strong>of</strong> the steam drum, with the upper surface<strong>of</strong> the pipe slightly below the normal water level<strong>of</strong> the drum. The pipe runs almost the entirelength <strong>of</strong> the drum. Holes are drilled along thetop centerline <strong>of</strong> the pipe. One end <strong>of</strong> the pipeis blanked <strong>of</strong>f. The other end is connected through276

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