Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGOIL LEVEL GAGETUBE^IDWORM WHEEL-GEAR CASINGTHERMOMETERFOUR-WAY COCKFILTERTHERMOMETERTHRUST ELEMENTBEARINGOILGOVERNORDRILLED PASSAGE-FILLER HOLE•BEARINGRELIEF VALVBEARINGS-DRILLED PASSAGEOIL PUMP AND GOVERNORDRIVE GEARS •WATER CONNECTIONSOIL DISTRIBUTORFLOW INDICATOROIL FILTER-COOLER UNITGEAR SPRAY NOZZLEOIL PUMPBEARINGSRESERVOIR DRAINWORM WHEEL SHAFT'LUBRICATED BY OIL DRAINED FROM GOVERNORFigure 16-7. — Pressure lubrication system for turbine-driven unit.38.96XThe lubricating oil passes through an oil sightflow indicator, a metal- edge type <strong>of</strong> filter, andan oil cooler. Oil is then piped to the bearingson the turbine shaft, to the governor, and to theworm gear on the pump shaft. The bearings andgear on the oil pump and governor shaft are lubricatedby oil which drains from the governorand passes back into the oil reservoir. A reliefvalve is built into the gear casing. This valveserves to protect the system against the development<strong>of</strong> excessive pressures.SPEED CONTROL DEVICESDifferent types <strong>of</strong> governors are used forcontrolling the speed <strong>of</strong> auxiliary turbines. Thediscussion here is limited to the constant- speedgovernor and the constant-pressure pump governor,both <strong>of</strong> which are in common <strong>naval</strong> use,"^Constant-Speed GovernorsThe constant- speed governor, sometimescalled the speed- regulating governor, is used on^ Additional governingdevices that maybe encounteredon recent ships include hydraulic or electric loadsensinggovernors, for turbogenerators, and pneumatic,hydraulic, or electric controls for main feedpumps. On ships having automatic combustion and feedwater control systems, the main feed pump controlsmay be related in some way to the boiler controls.428

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