Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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CHAPTERSSTABILITY AND BUOYANCYThis chapter deals with the principles <strong>of</strong>stability, stability curves, the inclining experiment,effects <strong>of</strong> weight shifts and weight changes,effects <strong>of</strong> loose water, longitudinal stability andeffects <strong>of</strong> trim, and causes <strong>of</strong> impaired stability.The damage control aspects <strong>of</strong> stability arediscussed in chapter 4 <strong>of</strong> this text.PRINCIPLES OF STABILITYA floating body is acted upon by forces <strong>of</strong>gravity and forces <strong>of</strong> buoyancy. The algebraicsum <strong>of</strong> these forces must equal zero if equilibriumis to exist.Any object exists in one <strong>of</strong> three states <strong>of</strong>stability: stable, neutral, or unstable. We mayillustrate these three states by placing threecones on a table top, as shown in figure 3-1.When cone A is tipped so that its base is <strong>of</strong>fthe horizontal plane, it tends, up to a certainangle <strong>of</strong> inclination, to assume its originalposition again. Cone A is thus an example <strong>of</strong> astable body— that is, one which tries to attainits original position through a specified range<strong>of</strong> angles <strong>of</strong> inclination.Cone B is an example <strong>of</strong> neutral stability.When rotated, this cone may come to rest atany point, reaching equilibrium at some angle <strong>of</strong>inclination.Cone C, balanced upon its apex, is an example<strong>of</strong> an unstable body. Following any slight inclinationby an external force, the body willcome to rest in a new position where it willbe more stable.From Archimedes' law, we know that anobject floating on or submerged in a fluid isbuoyed up by a force equal to the weight <strong>of</strong> thefluid it displaces. The weight (displacement)<strong>of</strong> a ship depends upon the weight <strong>of</strong> all parts,equipment, stores, and personnel. This totalweight represents the effect <strong>of</strong> gravitationalforce. When a ship is floated, she sinks intothe water until the weight <strong>of</strong> the fluid displacedby her underwater volume is equal to the weight<strong>of</strong> the ship. At this point, the ship is in equilibrium—thatis, the forces <strong>of</strong> gravity (G) andthe forces <strong>of</strong> buoyancy (B) are equal, and thealgebraic sum <strong>of</strong> all forces acting upon the shipis equal to zero. This condition is shown inpart A <strong>of</strong> figure 3-2. If the underwater volume<strong>of</strong> the ship is not sufficient to displace anamount <strong>of</strong> fluid equal to the weight <strong>of</strong> the ship,the ship will sink (part B <strong>of</strong> fig. 3-2) becausethe forces <strong>of</strong> gravity are greater than theforces <strong>of</strong> buoyancy.The depth to which a ship will sink whenfloated in water depends upon the density <strong>of</strong>the water, since the density affects the weightper unit volume <strong>of</strong> a fluid. Thus we may expecta ship to have a deeper draft in fresh waterthan in salt water, since fresh water is lessdense (and therefore less buoyant) than saltwater.Although gravitational forces act everywhereupon the ship, it is not necessary to attempt toconsider these forces separately. Instead, wemay regard the total force <strong>of</strong> gravity as a singleresultant or composite force which acts verticallydownward through the ship's center <strong>of</strong>gravity (G). Similarly, the force <strong>of</strong> buoyancymay be regarded as a single resultant forcewhich acts vertically upward through the center<strong>of</strong> buoyancy (B) located at the geometric center<strong>of</strong> the ship's underwater body. When a ship isat rest in calm water, the center <strong>of</strong> gravityand the center <strong>of</strong> buoyancy lie on the samevertical line.DISPLACEMENTSince weight (W) is equal to the displacement,it is possible to measure the volume <strong>of</strong> the underwaterbody (V) in cubic feet and multiply thisvolume by the weight <strong>of</strong> a cubic foot <strong>of</strong> sea34

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