Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGrepairing structural damage, and in generalrestoring the ship to a stable and seaworthycondition. To function as a fighting unit, however,a ship must be more than stable andseaworthy— it must also be able to move. Therestoration <strong>of</strong> vital services is therefore anintegral part <strong>of</strong> damage control, even though itmust <strong>of</strong>ten be accomplished after fires andflooding have been controlled.The restoration <strong>of</strong> vital services includesmaking repairs to machinery and piping systemsand reestablishing a source <strong>of</strong> electrical power.The casualty power system, developed as aresult <strong>of</strong> war experience, has proved to be one<strong>of</strong> the most important damage control devices.The casualty power system is a simple electricaldistribution system used to maintain asource <strong>of</strong> electrical supply for the most vitalmachinery. It is used to supply power only inemergencies. The casualty power system isdiscussed in chapter 20 <strong>of</strong> this text.DEFENSE AGAINST NBC ATTACKThe basic guidelines for defensive and protectiveactions to be taken in the event <strong>of</strong> nuclear,biological, or chemical (NBC) attack areset forth in the Nuclear, Biological, and ChemicalDefense Bill contained in Shipboard Procedures, NWP 50 (effective edition). Aboard ship,the engineer <strong>of</strong>ficer is responsible for maintainingthis bill and ensuring that it is currentand ready for immediate execution.NBC defense measures may be divided intotwo phases: (1) preparatory measures taken inanticipation <strong>of</strong> attack, and (2) active measurestaken immediately following an attack.Preparatory measures to be taken beforean attack include the following:1. Thorough indoctrination and training <strong>of</strong>ship's force.2. Removal <strong>of</strong> material that may constitutecontamination hazards.3. Masking <strong>of</strong> personnel who maybe exposed(and <strong>of</strong> other personnel, as ordered).4. Establishment <strong>of</strong> ship closure, includingclosing <strong>of</strong> CIRCLE WILLIAM fittings.5. Donning <strong>of</strong> protective clothing by exposedpersonnel, as ordered.6. Evasive action by the ship.7. Activation <strong>of</strong> water washdown systems.Active measures to be taken immediatelyfollowing an attack include the following:1. Evasive and self-protective action bypersonnel.2. Evacuation and remanning <strong>of</strong> exposed stations,as ordered.3. Decontamination <strong>of</strong> personnel.4. Detection and prediction <strong>of</strong> contaminatedareas.5. Ventilation <strong>of</strong> contaminated spaces, assoon as the ship is in a clean atmosphere.It is obvious that NBC defense is an enormouslycomplex and wide-ranging subject, andone in whicii policies and procedures are subjectto constant change. The present discussionis limited to a few aspects <strong>of</strong> NBC defense thatare <strong>of</strong> primary practical importance aboardship. More detailed information on all aspectsNBC defense may be obtained from chapters<strong>of</strong>9770 and 9900 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Naval</strong> <strong>Ships</strong> TechnicalManual and from Disaster Control (Ashore andAfloat), NavPers 10899-B.PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGThere are three types <strong>of</strong> clothing that areuseful in NBC defense: permeable, impregnated,protective clothing, foul weather clothing, andordinary work clothing.Permeable protective clothing is supplied toships in quantities sufficient to outfit 25 percentor more <strong>of</strong> the ship's compliment. Permeableclothing is olive green in color. A completeoutfit includes impregnated socks, gloves,trousers with attached suspenders, and jumper(parka) with attached hood. Permeable clothingis treated with a chemical agent that neutralizeschemical agents; a chlorinated paraffin is usedas a binder. The presence <strong>of</strong> these chemicalsgives the permeable clothing a slight odor <strong>of</strong>chlorine and a slightly greasy or clammy feel.It is believed that the impregnation treatmentshould remain effective from 5 to 10 years (orpossibly longer) if the clothing is stowed inunopened containers in a dry place with cool orwarm temperatures and if it is protected fromsunlight or daylight.Permeable protective clothing should not beworn longer than necessary, especially in hotweather; prolonged wearing may cause a rashto develop where the skin comes in contact withthe impregnated material.Foul weather clothing <strong>of</strong> stock issue servesto protect ordinary clothing and the skin againstpenetration by liquid chemical agents and radioactiveparticles. It also reduces the amount <strong>of</strong>vapor that penetrates to the skin. Foul weather74

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