Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 10- PROPULSION BOILERSBecause the concentration <strong>of</strong> chloride ions isrelatively constant in sea water, the chloridecontent is used as a measure <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong>solid matter that is derived through sea watercontamination. The results <strong>of</strong> the chloride testare used as one indication <strong>of</strong> the need for blowdown.Chloride content is expressed in equivalentsper million (emp).^Hardness is a property that water acquiresbecause <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> certain dissolvedsalts. Water in which soap does not readilyform a lather is said to be hard.Alkalinity is a property that the water acquiresbecause <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> certain impurities.On ships that make alkalinity tests,the results are expressed in epm.Some ships are required to determine the pHvalue , rather than the alkalinity, <strong>of</strong> the boilerwater. The pH unit does not measure alkalinitydirectly; however, it is related to alkalinity insuch a way that a pH number gives an indication<strong>of</strong> the acidity or alkalinity <strong>of</strong> the water. ThepH scale <strong>of</strong> numbers runs from to 14. Onthis scale, pH 7 is the neutral point. Solutionshaving pH values above 7 are define das alkalinesolutions. Solutions having pH values below 7 aredefined as acid solutions.Boiler water that is treated with phosphatesmust be tested for phosphate content . Boilerwater that is treated with standard Navy boilercompound is not tested for phosphates. Phosphatecontent is expressed in parts per million(ppm). When the phosphate content <strong>of</strong> boilerwater is maintained within the specified limits,the hardness <strong>of</strong> the water shovild be zero. Therefore,hardness tests are not required for boilerwater when phosphate water treatment is used.The test for chloride content indicates somethingabout the amount <strong>of</strong> solid matter that ispresent in the boiler water, but it indicates onlythe solid matter that is there because <strong>of</strong> seawater contamination. It does not indicate anythingabout other solid matter that may be dissolvedin the boiler water. A more accurateindication <strong>of</strong> the total amount <strong>of</strong> dissolved solidsEquivalents per million can be defined as the number<strong>of</strong> equivalent parts <strong>of</strong> a substance per million parts <strong>of</strong>some other substance. The word "equivalent" hererefers to the chemical equivalent weight <strong>of</strong> a substance.For example, if a substance has a chemical equivalentweight <strong>of</strong> 35.5, a solution containing 35.5 parts permillion is described as having a concentration <strong>of</strong> 1epm.can be obtained by measuring the electricalconductivity <strong>of</strong> the boiler water, since this isrelated to the total dissolved solid content . Allships are now furnished with special electricalconductivity meters for measuring the conductivity<strong>of</strong> the boiler water. The total dissolvedsolid content is expressed in micromhos, a unit<strong>of</strong> electrical conductivity.As a regular routine, the test for dissolvedoxygen is made only on feed water, althoughoccasional testing <strong>of</strong> water in other parts <strong>of</strong>the system is recommended. A chemical testfor dissolved oxygen is made aboard ship. Sincethis test cannot detect dissolved oxygen in concentrations<strong>of</strong> less than 0.02 ppm, more sensitivelaboratory tests are sometimes made as acheck on the operation <strong>of</strong> the deaerating feedtanks.When tests <strong>of</strong> the boiler water show that thewater is not within the prescribed limits, chemicaltreatment and blowdown are instituted.Several methods <strong>of</strong> chemical treatment are nowauthorized. Each method is designed to completelyeliminate hardness and to maintain thealkalinity (or the pH value) within the prescribedlimits. The method <strong>of</strong> boiler water treatmentspecified for each ship is the method that willbest perform these two functions and, at thesame time, take account <strong>of</strong> the total concentration<strong>of</strong> solids that can be tolerated in theparticular type <strong>of</strong> boiler. The type <strong>of</strong> watertreatment authorized for any particular ship isspecified by the <strong>Naval</strong> Ship Systems Command;it is not a matter <strong>of</strong> choice by ship's personnel.Chemical treatment <strong>of</strong> the boiler water increases,rather than decreases, the need forblowdown. The chemical treatment counteractsthe effects <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the impurities in theboiler water, but at the same time it increasesthe total amount <strong>of</strong> solid matter in the boilerwater and thus increases the need for blowdown.Each steam boiler must be given a surface blowat least once a day, and more <strong>of</strong>ten if the watertests indicate the need. Bottom blows are givenat least once a week, usually about an hour afterthe boiler has been secured. Bottom blows mustnot be given while a boiler is steaming. Specialinstructions for boiler blowdown are issued tocertain categories <strong>of</strong> ships.COMBUSTION REQUIREMENTSCertain requirements must be met beforecombustion can occur in the boiler furnace. Thefuel must be heated to the temperature that will265

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