Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 8-INTRODUCTION TO THERMODYNAMICSAlthough three modes <strong>of</strong> heat transferconduction,radiation, and convection— are commonlyrecognized, we will find it easier tounderstand heat transfer if we make a distinctionbetween conduction and radiation, on the onehand, and convection, on the other. Conductionand radiation may be regarded as the primarymodes <strong>of</strong> heat flow. Convection may best bethought <strong>of</strong> as a related but basically differentand special kind <strong>of</strong> process which involves themovement <strong>of</strong> a mass <strong>of</strong> fluid from one place toanother.CONDUCTION.— Conduction is the mode bywhich heat flows from a hotter to a colder regionwhen there is physical contact between thetwo regions. For example, consider a metal barwhich is held so that one end <strong>of</strong> it is in boilingwater. In a very short time the end <strong>of</strong> the barwhich is not in the boiling water will have becometoo hot to hold. We say that heat has beenconducted from molecule to molecule along theentire length <strong>of</strong> the bar. The molecules in thelayer nearest the source <strong>of</strong> heat become increasinglyactive as they receive thermalenergy. Since each layer <strong>of</strong> molecules is boundto the adjacent layers by cohesive forces, themotion is passed on to the next layer which, inturn, sets up increased activity in the next layer.The process <strong>of</strong> conduction continues as long asthere is a temperature difference between thetwo ends <strong>of</strong> the bar.The total quantity <strong>of</strong> heat conducted dependsupon a number <strong>of</strong> factors. Let us consider a bar<strong>of</strong> homogeneous material which is uniform incross-sectional area throughout its length. Oneend <strong>of</strong> the bar is kept at a uniformly high temperature,the other end. is kept at a uniformlylow temperature. After a steady and uniformflow <strong>of</strong> heat has been established, the total quantity<strong>of</strong> heat that will be conducted through thisbar depends upon the following relationships:1. The total quantity <strong>of</strong> heat passing throughthe conductor in a given length <strong>of</strong> time is directlyproportional to the cross-sectional area<strong>of</strong> the conductor. The cross-sectional area ismeasured normal to (that is, at right angles to)the direction <strong>of</strong> heat flow.2. The total quantity <strong>of</strong> heat passing throughthe conductor in a given length <strong>of</strong> time is proportionalto the thermal gradient— that is, to thedifference in temperature between the two ends<strong>of</strong> the bar, divided by the length <strong>of</strong> the bar.3. The quantity <strong>of</strong> heat is directly proportionalto the time <strong>of</strong> heat flow.4. The quantity <strong>of</strong> heat depends upon thethermal conductivity <strong>of</strong> the material <strong>of</strong> whichthe bar is made. Thermal conductivity (k) isdifferent for each material.These relationships may be expressed bythe equationwhereQ =kTA ^1-^2Q = quantity <strong>of</strong> heat, in Btu or caloriesk =coefficient <strong>of</strong> thermal conductivity(characteristic <strong>of</strong> each material)T = time during which heat flowsA =cross-sectional area, normal to the path<strong>of</strong> heatt. = temperature at the hot end <strong>of</strong> the bart„ = temperature at the cold end <strong>of</strong> the barL =distance between the two ends <strong>of</strong> the barThis equation, which is sometimes called thegeneral conduction equation , applies whether weare using a metric system or a British system.Consistency in the use <strong>of</strong> units is, <strong>of</strong> course,vital.t. - t„The quantity ^5^ =- is called the thermalgradient or the temperature gradient. In themetric CGS system, the temperature gradient isexpressed in degrees Celsius per centimeter <strong>of</strong>length; the cross-sectional area is expressed insquare centimeters; and the time is expressedin seconds. In British units, the temperaturegradient is expressed in Btu per inch (or sometimesper foot) <strong>of</strong> length; the cross-sectionalarea is expressed in square feet; and the time isexpressed in seconds or in hours. (As may benoted, some caution is required in using theBritish units; we must know whether the temperaturegradient indicates Btu per inch or Btuper foot, and we must know whether the time isexpressed in seconds or in hours.)From the general conduction equation, wemay infer that the coefficient <strong>of</strong> thermal163

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