Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 3-STABILITY AND BUOYANCY4 rCURVE BCURVE ACURVE CCURVE D10 20 30 40 50 60ANGLE OF HEEL.IN DEGREESFigure 3-30.— Stability curve corrected for effects <strong>of</strong> added weight,free surface, and free communication.8.64becomes greater, then the change is said to beby the bow. Conversely, if the draft aft becomesgreater, the change <strong>of</strong> trim is by the stern .Changes <strong>of</strong> trim are produced by shiftingweights forward or aft or by adding or subtractingweights forward <strong>of</strong> or abaft <strong>of</strong> the center <strong>of</strong>flotation.LONGITUDINAL STABILITYLongitudinal stability is the tendency <strong>of</strong> aship to resist a change intrim. For small angles<strong>of</strong> inclination, the longitudinal metacentric heightmultiplied by the displacement is a measure <strong>of</strong>initial longitudinal stability. The longitudinalmetacentric height is designated GM' and isfound fromGM'= KB +BM' - KGr= the moment <strong>of</strong> inertia <strong>of</strong> the ship'swaterline plane about an athwartshipaxis through the center <strong>of</strong> flotationV = the ship's volume <strong>of</strong> displacementThe value <strong>of</strong> BM' is very large— sometimesmore than a hundred times that <strong>of</strong> BM. Thevalues <strong>of</strong> BM' for various drafts may be foundfrom the curves <strong>of</strong> form (fig. 3-25).MOMENT TO CHANGE TRIM ONE INCHThe measure <strong>of</strong> a ship's ability to resist achange <strong>of</strong> trim is the moment required to producea change <strong>of</strong> trim <strong>of</strong> a definite amount, suchas one inch. The value <strong>of</strong> the moment to changetrim one inch isobtained fromMTI = GM' X W12 LwhereKB and KG are the same as for transversestability BM' (the longitudinal metacentricradius) is equal toBM'=wherewhereGM'= longitudinal metacentric height (feet)W= displacement (tons)L = length between forward and afterperpendiculars (feet)57

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