Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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1PRINCIPLES OF NAVAL ENGINEERINGconductivity (k) represents the quantity <strong>of</strong> heat•which will flow through unit cross section andunit length <strong>of</strong> a material in unit time when thereis unit temperature difference between the hotterand the colder faces <strong>of</strong> the material .Thermal conductivity is determined experimentallyfor various materials. We may perhapsvisualize the process <strong>of</strong> conduction more clearlyand understand its quantitative aspects morefully by examining an apparatus for the determination<strong>of</strong> thermal conductivity and by settingup a problem.Figure 8-1 shows a device that could be usedfor determining thermal conductivity. Assumethat we have a bar <strong>of</strong> uniform diameter, made<strong>of</strong> an unknown metal. (If we knew the kind <strong>of</strong>metal, we could look up the thermal conductivityin a table; since we do not know the metal,we shall find k experimentally.) One end <strong>of</strong> thebar is inserted into a steam chest in which aconstant temperature is maintained; the otherend <strong>of</strong> the bar is inserted into a water chest.The quantity <strong>of</strong> water flowing through the waterchest and the entrance and exit temperature <strong>of</strong>the water are measured. Also, the temperature<strong>of</strong> the bar itself is measured at two points bymeans <strong>of</strong> thermometers inserted into holes inthe bar; we may choose any two points along thebar, provided they are reasonably far apart andprovided they are some distance away from thesteam chest and the water chest.We will assume that the entire apparatus isperfectly insulated so that the temperature differencebetween t. and t„ is an accurate reflection<strong>of</strong> the heat conducted along the bar and sothat the amount <strong>of</strong> heat absorbed by the circulatingwater in the water chest is a true indication<strong>of</strong> the heat conducted from the hotter end <strong>of</strong> thebar to the colder end. We will assume that thefollowing data are known at the outset or learnedby measurement or determined in the course <strong>of</strong>the experiment:Specific heat <strong>of</strong> water =1.00Temperature <strong>of</strong> water entering water chest20° CTemperature <strong>of</strong> water leaving water chest =30" CMass <strong>of</strong> water passing through water chest =1300 gramst- (temperature at hotter end <strong>of</strong> bar) = SO^Ct„ (temperature at cooler end <strong>of</strong> bar) 60° CA (cross-sectional area <strong>of</strong> bar) • 20 squarecentimetersL (distance between points <strong>of</strong> temperaturemeasurement on bar) = 10 centimetersT (time <strong>of</strong> heat flow) = 6 minutes = 360 secondsTo determine the thermal conductivity, k, <strong>of</strong>our unknown metal, we will use two equations.tit2WATER INSTEAM INSTEAMCHESTBARr< ^IWATERCHEST a 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ftSTEAMOUTWATEROUTFigure 8-1.— Device for measuring thermal conductivity.147.60164

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