Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association

Principles of naval engineering - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Chapter 22. -DIESEL AND GASOLINE ENGINESA- DIAGONALLY-CUT COMPRESSION RING B-LAP-JOINT COMPRESSION RINGC-OIL RING D- SLOTTED OIL RINGE-THREE PIECE OIL RINGFigure 22-17.— Types <strong>of</strong> piston rings.75.51The camshaft is driven by the crankshaftby various means, the most common being bygears or by a chain and sprocket. The camshaftfor a 4-stroke cycle engine must turn at onehalf<strong>of</strong> the crankshaft speed; while in the 2-strokecycle engine, it turns at the same speed as thecrankshaft.The location <strong>of</strong> the crankshaft in variousengines differs. Camshaft location depends onthe arrangement <strong>of</strong> the valve mechanism. Thelocation <strong>of</strong> a camshaft is shown in figure 22-14.One <strong>of</strong> the principal engine parts which hasonly rotating motion is the crankshaft . As one <strong>of</strong>the largest and most important moving parts inan engine, the crankshaft changes the movement<strong>of</strong> the piston and the connecting rod into the rotatingmotion required to drive such items asreduction gears, propeller shafts, generators,pumps, etc. As a result <strong>of</strong> its function, thecrankshaft is subjected to all the forces developedin an engine.While crankshafts <strong>of</strong> a few larger enginesare <strong>of</strong> the built-up type (forged in separatesections and flanged together), the crankshafts<strong>of</strong> most modern engines are <strong>of</strong> the one-piecetype construction. A shaft <strong>of</strong> this type is shownin figure 22-19. The parts <strong>of</strong> a crankshaft maybe identified by various terms; however, thoseshown in figure 22-19 are common in the technicalmanuals for most <strong>of</strong> the engines used bythe Navy.The speed <strong>of</strong> rotation <strong>of</strong> the crankshaft increaseseach time the shaft receives a powerimpulse from one <strong>of</strong> the pistons; and it thengradually decreases untilanother power impulseis received. These fluctuations in speed (theirnumber depending upon the number <strong>of</strong> cylindersfiring in one crankshaft revolution) would resultin an undesirable situation with respect to thedriven mechanism as well as the engine;therefore,some means must be provided to stabilizeshaft rotation. In some engines this is accomplishedby installing a flywheel on the crankshaft;in others, the motion <strong>of</strong> such engine parts asthe crankpins, webs, lower ends <strong>of</strong> connectingrods, and such driven units as the clutch,generator, etc., serve the purpose. The needfor a flywheel decreases as the number <strong>of</strong>cylinders firing in one revolution <strong>of</strong> the crankshaftand the mass <strong>of</strong> the moving parts attachedto the crankshaft increases.A flywheel stores up energy during the powerevent and releases it duringthe remaining events<strong>of</strong> the operating cycle. In other words, when the563

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