Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...

Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...

Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...


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Interagency Integrated SOPUNCLASSIFIED6.3.2.If required to transport classified material within the same building or compound, anappropriate cover sheet shall be affixed to the document <strong>and</strong> the document shall be placedin an unmarked envelope or folder to avoid undue attention. Courier authorization is notrequired.6.3.3.Upon arrival at your destination, proceed directly to the approved facility to deliver orstore the material. Ensure that appropriate storage is available at the point of destination(i.e., GSA-approved security containers for collateral classified materials; approvedfacilities for SCI). DO NOT leave classified packages in unattended offices.6.3.4.Ensure the recipient has an appropriate security clearance <strong>and</strong> a need-to-know. Do notleave classified material with any person other than the intended recipient unless youhave verified that individual’s security clearance <strong>and</strong> authority to act as the recipient’sagent.6.3.5.It is also your responsibility to inform the intended recipient of the classification of thematerials, <strong>and</strong> any additional security requirements.6.3.6.Ensure receipts are prepared <strong>and</strong> signed.6.3.7.The procedures provided below apply to the local transport of classified materials (frombuilding to building within the local commuting area). When a need arises to transportclassified materials aboard a commercial aircraft, prior approval must be obtained fromthe JFO Security <strong>Office</strong>r. Before approval is granted, the requester must providesufficient justification as to why the materials must be h<strong>and</strong>-carried vice the use of otherapproved means, such as U.S. Postal Service Registered Mail for Secret <strong>and</strong> Confidentialmaterials.6.4. Transport of Classified Material by Courier6.4.1.The Courier Card or Courier Authorization Letter, along with Government identification,badge, or credentials, will be immediately available for presentation upon request by anappropriate security or law enforcement authority.6.4.2.When transporting classified materials within the local area, the courier will proceeddirectly to the destination with no unnecessary convenience stops.116Version 8.3Interim Approval April 28, 2006

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