Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...

Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...

Joint Field Office Activation and Operations - Federal Emergency ...


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Interagency Integrated SOPUNCLASSIFIED14.6.1.Assign a DAN to accountable SCI material only. DANs are not required for SI/TK/G orSecret/BYE documents.14.6.2.The designated document control officer assigns DANs. The numbers consist of theidentifying trigraph, a 6-digit number on a one-up basis, <strong>and</strong> the last 2 digits of thecurrent year, separated by a hyphen (e.g., BYE-000235-97). Place a DAN in thedesignated block on the cover sheet <strong>and</strong> on the front cover (if any), the title page (if any),<strong>and</strong> on all succeeding pages in the lower right corner.14.6.3.Assign copy numbers to individual documents (e.g., Copy 1 of 3 copies). Place the copynumber next to or near the control number at the lower right corner of the document.Show reproduced copies with a combination of digits <strong>and</strong> letters (i.e., Copy 1A, Copy4C, etc.) or identify the copy as Series B, Series C, etc.14.7. Records RetentionFor accountable SCI, retain records of incoming <strong>and</strong> outgoing accountable SCI (such asreceipts <strong>and</strong> document control logs) <strong>and</strong> certificates of destruction as permanent records. Fornon-accountable SCI, transmission receipts may be destroyed on acknowledgment ofsuccessful transmission to the intended recipient.15.0 Transportation <strong>and</strong> Transmission of SCI MaterialIn developing SCI material, give primary consideration to the intended use of the information<strong>and</strong> organize the document, if possible, so that SCI can be disseminated separately on a morelimited basis, such as an annex or supplement. Review the document before final production toensure that only the minimum scope <strong>and</strong> level of information essential to the task are included.15.1.SCI materials sent between accredited SCIFs will be h<strong>and</strong>-carried by individuals who areproperly briefed on courier procedures, possess a valid courier card or letter, <strong>and</strong> who arecleared for the material being transported. SCI material will not be sent to a facility orbuilding that does not have a SCIF, or to an individual who does not have access to a SCIF.15.1.1. Courier RequirementsCouriers will be a U.S. Government civilian employee, or a DHS contractor orconsultant. Couriers will meet DCID 6/4 st<strong>and</strong>ards, be specifically designated as acourier, <strong>and</strong> have authorized access to the SCI material they are transporting or hold aPROXIMITY access. They must be familiar with all rules <strong>and</strong> regulations governingcouriers <strong>and</strong> transporting information, including h<strong>and</strong>-carrying aboard commercial orprivate aircraft. SCI material will be properly wrapped prior to giving the material to acourier with a proximity access.134Version 8.3Interim Approval April 28, 2006

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