AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh 2 www.allatra.org




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<strong>AllatRa</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Anastasia</strong> <strong>Novykh</strong><br />

Again the same colors of stones, symbolizing the goddess Isis and other conductors of<br />

Allat. Again all the same "a throne was set in heaven, and the Sitting sat on the throne",<br />

"... before the throne a sea of glass like crystal", "seven lamps of fire burning before the<br />

throne, which are the seven Spirits of God". "In the midst of the throne and around it are<br />

four beasts full of eyes in front and in back. And the first beast was like a lion, and the<br />

second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was<br />

like a flying eagle. Each of the four beasts had six wings around, and inside they are full<br />

of eyes; and day and night they never stop saying: holy, holy, holy, the Lord God<br />

Almighty, who was and is and will come. And when those beasts give glory and honor<br />

and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four<br />

elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and worship Him that lives forever<br />

and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to<br />

receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure<br />

they are and were created". John simply used information of Jewish priests. A majority<br />

of these are copied from the knowledge of other nations legends naturally<br />

misappropriate processing concepts from the mind and create their religion.<br />

But he took as a basis of a plot, of course, not about a creative power of Allat for living<br />

people, but about the Court over every person after the death of his physical body. The<br />

ancient Egyptians called it "beyond the grave Court of supreme god Osiris" (point out<br />

the wife of the latest considered the goddess Isis). I once told about Osiris. His name<br />

means "He who is at the top". He is considered the lord of the afterlife world, who holds<br />

a Court over every human Soul after this earth life, deciding its further fate. In the<br />

modern version of the translation of the text of papyrus, which tells about the "afterlife<br />

Court", the epithet of a person, entering to this "Court", sounds quite comical -<br />

"freshdied". As they say, as people understands the life as well as translates into other<br />

language. The ancient Egyptians believed that life continues and after death of the<br />

physical body, but in a different form and in a different space. And this idea was based<br />

on the Knowledge that before were given to all people. Place of a Court (transition of<br />

man after physical death) in the "afterworld" was called <strong>by</strong> the ancient Egyptians as<br />

"Great Hall of Two Truths." Osiris on the Court as a Creature of a supreme spiritual<br />

world was symbolically depicted Sitting on a cubiform "throne", legs resting on the<br />

square base. He judges from the top of the cube to which usually indicates the marked<br />

corner of a cube. On the Court (in the Great Hall of Two Truths) also present four<br />

4<br />


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