AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh 2 www.allatra.org




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<strong>AllatRa</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Anastasia</strong> <strong>Novykh</strong><br />

Suffice it to look around to see what’s going on: struggle for power, priestly, political<br />

and economic violence of gangs from the Archons over peoples; dominance of the<br />

market and consumer attitudes which form purely materialistic thinking in people and<br />

relationships based on the animal instincts. There is a real aggressive information attack<br />

on the human society <strong>by</strong> the Animal Mind, in fact, an information war. The modern man<br />

more often chooses matter and hardly comes out of the sphere of influence of his<br />

Animal nature, his earthly selfhood, selfishness. As a guide, he imposes this model of<br />

behaviour to others, without even noticing that he is in the power of the Will that is alien<br />

to his Spiritual nature. This is exactly power, “the guise of Satan”, of the Animal mind<br />

who has enslaved mankind and walks in it without a mask.<br />

But in the hands of people is the opportunity to change everything! People are waiting<br />

for divine intervention. But it is the same as in the human dialogue with God. It can be<br />

achieved only <strong>by</strong> choice, actions and real spiritual transformation of man himself! The<br />

Bible has the following words of Jesus to his disciples: “I will ask the Father, and He<br />

will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of<br />

Truth, Whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him…”<br />

The Knowledge has been given to man, and his choice and action depend only on him!<br />

And changes in the whole global society depend on actions of every person! For all the<br />

living people, this is really the last remaining chance to spiritually save themselves and<br />

the civilization.<br />

Building such society is a necessity, since this is the only model that will allow the<br />

humanity to survive in the future. It is actually easy to build it. The foundations have<br />

been given, while the details of this new model will not be hard for people to jointly<br />

work out. Already now, there are many competent and clever people who really can and<br />

want to change the modern society, make it free and equal not on paper under slogans of<br />

the Archons but in life, from the perspective of domination of the Spiritual nature in<br />

man. Building such a society depends on the actions and the personal choice of each<br />

individual. The Archons have accustomed people to do nothing and to wait passively for<br />

someone to come, decide and do everything for them. They have limited the “prison<br />

Freedom” in their system for a person with a place on a couch, where he can spit at TV<br />

as much as he wants and abuse politicians and priests, because in any case nobody will<br />

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