I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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in the tlr€e schools fsvor this new approach lt is very impo<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ant to<br />

notice that lhe fequency of nary resPonses io this table is hjgh€'<br />

tho that ofnegative ones as shown in Lble (15) below lhis is <strong>tr</strong>ue<br />

to the tlree schools. For more detaib look at lecdon [6.2] blow.<br />

Set B. Neg<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ive Results of Que3tion<strong>tr</strong>aire<br />

fRDQ<br />

x E<br />

'Itis aDDrcen is slo* dd litu coN.ing<br />

T@h.r d@s rcl Day an.ntion lo misi.t s<br />

So<strong>tr</strong> nud.nb do mr e Ensbh ir gou!t!94<br />

Som s<strong>tr</strong>d.nB do mt fouow ks6 3<br />

SonElim l@td sDc.b Ssr (mt foUov.d) l0 2<br />

6 <strong>tr</strong>sc e rc1 @Epkl.d 0 l0 2<br />

A lot ofmi* ie turL duirs <strong>tr</strong>cuD w* 2 l<br />

8 Tdbd witiDs on Bb ! i&gibL 2 0 0<br />

9 T@hd dc Bt rnd<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>c inro Aa<strong>tr</strong>a 2<br />

l0 fh.E ir .or .D!sn wnins 0 0 2<br />

ll N6 cbe. is ciq lo rudcds 'o wir. on Bb<br />

l2 T.nhoo*s d ot im.Esine 0<br />

l3 Teb6 do6 ml chcl IFB wle 0 o<br />

l4 T@br d6 f<strong>tr</strong> e Bb ro nirc on t0 0<br />

In rhe hblc (15) above, lhe regalive..spoEcs lo the op€F<br />

end€d quesrion of dle dinSs they like or dislike abod lhe l€3me.c€rler€d<br />

exp€.i@ sr. giv€n. All thc 14 items sho* a negative<br />

a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>inrde lowads $e idca of leamer-ccnt€rcdrEss. However, orc<br />

can eisily rccosnize the low n€quency of..ch ilcm a! comlared<br />

b the positjve a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>inrde in th€ previous s€ctior Wlile th€ frEquelcy<br />

of d|e frst resatilt item in lable (lr) is 3,4,md 6 ;n the lnre€<br />

sch@ls rBp€ctivelt it is 42,45 dd 39 tur itd one io the pGitive<br />

cat€gory. 'Ihis mrkes th€ diff€rcnc€. Hcncc, one ce say t<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>l the<br />

general a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>itud. of thc ltude s towards lhe idci is positive. For a<br />

d€ta en €xplarution s€e s€ctioD [6.2]

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