I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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One of rle ueas *rar .hould be a lo(us of<strong>tr</strong>.ininS ror bo$<br />

teacheB ed leameF is the one related !o njsirkes nade by<br />

studeDts. A lot ofhas b€s said abour $is point; but because it is d<br />

srca thar caules a lot of dispute ard disagrEern€nts among teeheB<br />

anl educatos, it seem necessary to reped on€sef lhowh in a<br />

diffmnt way. In lhe F€vious<br />

pages and chapters, it ha! been<br />

reitmtod thar $jsrakes .E no nore io be l@ked at !s a bad signj<br />

mtlEr lhey should be .c@pted .5 a Mtural outcom. of the l@ing<br />

process. ' The rcacher sbould think of con€.tion as avay of sivi4<br />

info.mation o. feedback to hi! students" (Tulen. 1988: l7). The<br />

impo<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>a@ of nistakes is tllat dl€y shodd ofrer be ignored.<br />

Sludents need lhe experience of being listened to at people with a<br />

thirg to say. A leacher shodd rlale his hineev snlddts awde of<br />

tlis and of the fact that coneclion is a way of reminding snldent! of<br />

forx0s of Sbndard Enslsh ald n sho'nd mt be a kind ofcriticism or<br />

punis<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>Ent. Tlley should be Mde aware that there h.ve b€ always<br />

iimes in the lessors wh€n dEy simply encouaee fluen y. At such<br />

tihes, we do nol conect linguisdc mistakes unless lhey affec! the<br />

co|mui@tior ofwhat the stud€nb warl !o ey (Tuher. 1988: t?).<br />

It has to be point€d orlt that teacheB should ml uderstsnd this that<br />

mistakes should cnain rrcorelcd. TIEE ale tines wlEn mistlkes<br />

arc to be hEated. Hee prcsp€ctiv€ teacheB should be <strong>tr</strong>_ained in<br />

deating with the. nist*es. TI|e fo owing techniqucs e lo be<br />

included in the course:<br />

t. Shd€nts correct thensetvs i.e., s.lf-correction. lt is a prio.ity<br />

rhar snldents comct in melves. Thir is oDly if th€ taacls firds<br />

that a mistake is wo<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>h coneclinS tlEt hc should alow<br />

corectioD. TIle stud{t who Dskes a mist*e sho'nd be giver a<br />

c<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ee to con€ct hinself, But even h@ you have to be sesitive<br />

to indicate $st theie is a nisi,ake. Th€ teach€r can show thar<br />

thw is a miltake by facial expr€ssio4 o. a band acsture. B€forc<br />

doi<strong>tr</strong>g lhis it is be<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s to pae aDd wait in ce rhe lamer<br />

recognies by hinseflhe mislakc d one Mturally does in every<br />

day conversation even ;r oDe's oB ldgug.. One Bore thing<br />

abou student corecting himself is dFt it is rhe best technique of<br />

coftcting beca$e (l) people usualy pr€fd !o pur tbeir oM<br />

mjslrkes ngh! mther rhan be coroten by someone els€; (2)

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