I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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The nonnal practic. for the teaching ay *ti<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>€n text is dal<br />

th€ teacher 6rst reads th€ lext aloud, tld jDdividually ihe studeds<br />

read one after another. 'ftis is don€ with a rwb€r of students. The<br />

Dext step is for the lscher to tiaJrslate the new wor& or to explain<br />

thel m@ings in English lhis is, of come, if lhc teacher is a good<br />

o!€. Then c.sles tbe siep of dealing wilh th€ coopEhmion<br />

ouestios- H@.nds the lesror!.<br />

Bu the lesson after being sdapled looks di<strong>tr</strong>erent. From the<br />

very besiIrins of the les,on, $e wlole class hld to read the<br />

p4ese bul silendy od idividualy.<br />

Ano0'cr distingujshing f€aturc of this type ;! $al the students<br />

do not bave to arlsws the comprchdion qBtioru. nEy, Ether<br />

have to read for the neaniDg ofthe terd as a whole. In ordo lo do<br />

this, they have to xnake use ofth€ difierent skils and s<strong>tr</strong>ategi€s. For<br />

emple, they can read for the gen€ral m€aring of the passage a a<br />

whole. Or beforc that tl€y can predicr the meaning or the cuieDr of<br />

that pasge &om lhe context pictE or tillc...etc. Once they<br />

fDish thc Radine, they stan ro repon to <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>'€ class of wbat rhe<br />

pasraee is abour. As a result of ri\is, discBsion will spring arnong<br />

al pa<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ies ir the class jncludirg th€ rescher. As tle studots becoDe<br />

tlsed to i! nany lechniques, sublechniques, and s<strong>tr</strong>ategies come<br />

intopiay.Molr of$elessoDsirdereachingmjtwer€ of thiski .<br />


In the last decade Edward de Bono ha! repeaEdly demanded<br />

lhat t t f,ra sbould be taughl iD s.hools. His baia bteotion wa3 to<br />

chang€ peopiet rigid way of di.kins s.d m,Le tl,em leam 10 tliik<br />

cr? tircly fKlipple. 1984:961- On tlE basis of lhjs calt a special<br />

aneniion har be€n gfu4 to rhinking activiris in bnSuge leming.<br />

OD€ Digbt lhink $.t this claim is roo denanding ro a siruation tike<br />

Yemen. However the case is not as such. Mosr ofrhe lessorc in the<br />

cErEDdy tBching material lend $€rNeives to be used as activities<br />

tb3l proboie thinking ir the langlage clarsroon.

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