I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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approaches. Therc are other types of s<strong>tr</strong>ateS/ in which tbe tencher<br />

ln ro remjnd th€ sMents of. So wh.lever s<strong>tr</strong>ates/ is available<br />

shoukl be cled io lhe students so that in lhe lesson to com€ thev<br />

may refer or use thc ones lh€y Pref€r. Such s<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>at€8ies ate: _<br />

! ConsultinS the teacher<br />

! Consdtirg a dictjonary<br />

n Consuldng other classmates<br />

E Usirg <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>en special stat€8r€s.<br />

Th€ comDrcheruion questions, which come acer rhis leston a<br />

wel as after;l o$€r bdons, ar€ nor arswe.ed as in the <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ditional<br />

approachs ul€ss lhe snrdenb the!$elves want that.<br />

ASer-$9-I€99!:<br />

- lt hai ben not€d that al<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ost all thc snld€ s have not rc.d dle<br />

ll:$n i.e. ,,!, tM po.<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s, honE It <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s b€€n a verv good<br />

oDN<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rmirv for ^r th€ e.chs ro exploit this and give tlem a leston of<br />

tirf-U",itg .A of blhg Fsponsibiliiv ov.r their oq l€imin8'<br />

The fiun of this obvious th€ ne dav; the sndents re3d U|e<br />

n€)d le$on w'rhoul "€s exceptioA snd ca<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>e very well prePed for<br />

disclssion- This is jusr an emple of what will be €fered to again<br />

dd again a rle areete<strong>tr</strong> l6so<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>5.<br />

--<br />

The studsrs were ask€d tlte r€asons for not r€adiry ar home'<br />

ilEir snswets w€rc alnost thc stmc that tl|€ tcacher did not oell<br />

them to do ir So as a frst soluion lo this very lessoA lbe<br />

r€s€schq-teacher lsked then to 8et jnio ItouPs or palll or<br />

indlidually as rhe) pr€fer atd resd dle rvo poers and b€ sdv for<br />

s<strong>tr</strong>El dis.ussion of the genelal idea or E€rnins ofde lessor Th€<br />

snrdent! were somewhai hesfta to work in gtoups dnl the<br />

B@chet hlerfses and slFws how thev havc to work D grorps<br />

a'd the inponan@ ofdoing that for efrective lerBing ofErslish-<br />

-- The studenls work€d in grouPs and some in Pairs with some<br />

corf$ioD. Tle leacher walked eound and enoouaged thd' TIle<br />

students worked out the ffnt poem and afrer that lhe second one,<br />

which was bener than they did it the fi-rst oDe Discussion folowed

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