I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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par€nts. Thcy aftibute il to various causcs such as th. lack of<br />

interBt od dle pen of6c te5ch€rs a!|d lesrners or to thc qowded<br />

classrooms and the like. Nooe, howcv€t is gvirg duc altcntion to<br />

tE le5rrer aDd tbe cruciai role h€ lus io play, iE EDgIsh langlag.<br />

l€rmin& Hem€, comcs the imporiamc of this reseorch which<br />

ossun€s t<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>t iDe<strong>tr</strong>ectiveD€ss in BEIish la"gtaSe lc3mi[g is du€ to<br />

the sbserce of an active rol€ on dle paIt of dtc language l€ffter.<br />

Th.teforE, to c[sr.Et ah active mle by tle learDer, a lcaner_cent rcd<br />

apFoach io ELT may be ProF6.d.<br />

ollc of th€ reaso<strong>tr</strong>s for propo3ing thc l$rnercetucred<br />

appro6.b is lh3t it focuscs oD dE iDdividll3i l€arD.r' Engtsh<br />

lauusge leanEr is lookcd at ss an active, cr€ativc 6nd rcsPon ible<br />

homan bcin& Hc is as sble as any ore els. includir8 his G.ch.r.<br />

This ftcans that his idividuality mlnt bc rcspect€d and his Dc.ds<br />

ad ini€r€sls hsve to be fqsler€d. On lhe oltEr lun4 lcaftErcent€r€d<br />

approach€s op€n the door wide for thc lcsrn€r !o look at<br />

hinself so that h€ c:E djs.ovet hjs abilities ad pot ntials in ord.r<br />

that he mrk€s the besl of them. Mor€owr, lemerc€ntctcd<br />

approachls give sp€4ial atlention to thiDking ald lo pmbl.rnsolving<br />

acrivities ofthe individual. The leerncr is encouraged to us€<br />

his nird to thirfi and sol<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong> Ploblems, as on€ has to do in rlal life<br />

situations. He has !o think for hirnsclf in na<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>crs rceardinS his own<br />

b{rnbg. So inst€d of rukiDg so<strong>tr</strong>E om els€ to tbink for hirnr h€<br />

has to d€pqd on hinself Thi! is a prcrEquilitc in the nodem age<br />

and the scbool slnuld mt ovcrlook lba! ADolber inpo<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ant poid in<br />

this regErd k dE conc€pt of learner <strong>tr</strong>aininS; lcamer_centercd<br />

approach.s vicw lh€ fi.uEtiot of thc school as Do roore inpaniDg<br />

knowlcdgc io $e empty mind of dt€ le.m.r but tldFr taining dle<br />

I€arnr to h.n ho* ro lcrrn Dr. R.ashid rA" S (1999: 174)<br />

obsc|es " Tll€ first .nd lhe most imporunt Pan of educdioq<br />

prccisely lhai whicb lhE world *glecls i! llat Prepari4lh€ child io<br />

rcceive €ducation-' 'Il|e irdividutl b not only Pr€p€tEd for<br />

exrsriratioo bd abo for a r€al lift dlat h€ is alndly Soilg !o fa.!<br />

in nrure. Thi! is in haniony with ihe ddn nd! oflllc cver gowing<br />

ard cbalgiDg soci.ty drlt E5tc,s I a n€ccasiiy for an indiidual to<br />

be well €quipp€d wilh ad tully preparcd io use the sUlls to scquirE<br />

lslowledSc by hillts€|f. This is c.nfrn€d by Li<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>lewood (1990: 14)<br />

whm he srys that if democl<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ic sraEs arc to floudsh th€y must<br />

$de<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ske €ducarional n€a$re'r calculated to dcvclop tl|c cipacity

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