I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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cflective and creative. lt is also said lhal self-access roter'al<br />

iDforns and 8oer.!y Eises awe€n€ss (Sheeri'1989r 24)<br />

The essential prcrcquisite to self-leaming ;s <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>e provision of<br />

sef-access mtsials wi$jn & orSanted f"ne so those $'idents<br />

can get what they reed. But it should b€ remembend lhat lhe<br />

<strong>tr</strong>airees must be awde of th€ b.nefits of this fom of leaminS<br />

$roud self-access nalerials. They have to know that many<br />

ldSlEge leaching pmblems like hixed abilities cbsses, 3Mcnls<br />

wiih di<strong>tr</strong>€rcd backsrouds and needs, psychologicd and<br />

peBoraliiy di<strong>tr</strong>eterr€s between le3nle s, aI 6 be 3olved by <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>te<br />

provision of sef-ac.€ss libmry.<br />

l\eejs arulysis: Arcthd mponafl comPorent of tbe<br />

tminjns com€ is what is called needs analysis ln order fof the<br />

prospective te&hers to apply needs anallsis !o tlE students in<br />

tuture, th€y have ro be tdined on lhis arca fiom now on For this<br />

<strong>tr</strong>ainirg lo b€ cfr@tive, dF leacher <strong>tr</strong>aiF has to apPly it 6nt with<br />

th€m. In orher wod5 ilE subj.cts or the <strong>tr</strong>aining riatfiial in thc<br />

faculties of educalion should b€ bas€d on the aDlys;s of the needs<br />

of the Faine€s. Bolh the objective and subjectile needs have to b€<br />

aral'%d. Ifat tbe beSisin8lhis is foutd to be impEctical,th€n al<br />

leat a Dan of the cou.se should b€ based on the rainees' needs. As<br />

this is done, then the <strong>tr</strong>aine€s must be <strong>tr</strong>ained in the Prccea, of<br />

@lyzing leamers' fteds. Of course, a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ention should be drawn to<br />

the di<strong>tr</strong> rence benre€n dE <strong>tr</strong>ain€€J situation and th€ir tuhne<br />

pupils. While th€y e to be English bachers, their students will<br />

oDly be s<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>de<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s at s@Ddary school lcv€I. ThercfotE, dley nave to<br />

be 0eribl€ and etastic in NiDS fil.s techDiqE i, linw.<br />

Th. tca.hes' Fain€.s should d|!w tleir studdts' atiention !o the<br />

diffetff. berw@! nec€ssities o. reeds as obsffid bv tbc teacbers<br />

thems€lvcs o. by th€ course designers, o. in son€ ca3cs by the<br />

sDoruors. ard what the <strong>tr</strong>ainees want or feel they ft€d. In oths<br />

;ords, th€ objective vie$/s tom the ,ide of the teach€r lnd the<br />

slbjecnve on€s o, th€ Fn of the l€am€r cu dd do cotflict wi$ a<br />

corlrequc destabilzing effcct on molivatior Wh€n designing a<br />

@tE or usitg n€thodotos/ both views Nst be accohhodaLd.

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