I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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- The fisl di<strong>tr</strong>culty encomtered by the teacher wa dE low<br />

stmdard iD EngLish esp€ciaxy spoken Enslish. The teacber had to<br />

be so cElive and a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>irl to get fte students undent nd by a vsdety<br />

ofways- In some c€s he had !o r.corNe to AEbic io <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>iDg a rEli€f<br />

jr'3t beforc the studenk Mched rhe srage of fiBrrarion. Her€ a<br />

word must be sid about the Be of the Btive laDguage; rhe latjve<br />

lansuse lArabicl is not pr€venred, d far ss it does not tM ro a<br />

iabit. If n is foEd that it heips gduiE comunic.tion tb6 it c.<strong>tr</strong><br />

b€ rcsoded to when therc is a need.<br />

- ID spire of the appared dificulry of u'deBrdding rle bair<br />

obje.tivB ofdE lessor w@ achjey€d:<br />

The studmts w@ able to !rcdicr the lesson fiom the provided<br />

Solne students did well in guessing word he2ning iom coDtoa<br />

b r'After yor r€ad"j the sMents de<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ed soxoe effo<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>! to do this<br />

N*rlynaf of tl|€ shlddrs rried to do th€ horEwodq<br />

Thi, *as a eood sta<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong> s they mrely rake such a task quir€<br />

Teacher's encoumgen€nr showed v.ry quick rcsulrs.<br />

Tlc next day the tea.ber iad to remind theD agai! tiar a[ of <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>em<br />

musl have done dd must do ine home work even if they did not do<br />

*. Wherc one can say leachin8 is lcameFcentered?<br />

Fjl5l ofal lhis wa! a begiming ed oe shoold <strong>tr</strong>ot ovcr-e,y"lggdsre<br />

thc resuL The sndents had fiBt ro be Anili.adad with the r;hcr<br />

ard not to b€ suprised by sMde4 new aod un€q€cr€d teclniqEs,<br />

which dight crcat€ a negarive ariitude. However; therc w€re nl.sny<br />

lhings that w@ both le3ln€r-cstercd snd clroDEicrrivelv<br />

LIrE pr€diction fion lh. gireD pictures. H€rc ir is tE stude<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s who<br />

predicled a.d th€ re3ch€i oDty playd th€ role of a guide wllo<br />

agrced or dbasreed with rhen<br />

2.Word gusinF agai[ <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>us ws done by th€ studots.

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