I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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Mio@ ro humn bens sas /e4ro". Lower anjroh shate ft o$er<br />

ftur. lL i" oriy h-;b.'ss who cluld re6oD (Big8e & Sbemis<br />

199225).<br />

'nEorv of humaniu forms thc bulk or th€<br />

,,approach. lt i! an oudook dd way of life tEt<br />

/ hurnan inter€sls and vales. It ha! at least tlEe<br />

V hunanisn enst€ntialisl, hlll]@isln and scie<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ifio h<br />

ClNical hunanjsm stehs tom ancient Greek tb€orv of<br />

mental disiplin€. lt op€mtes o. the assmption that th. Dind of<br />

humd beings is an lctive agent in relation to ils €t ironmeii dd<br />

$at is also moratly reu<strong>tr</strong>al at bi<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>h- Exislentialist hunoirm<br />

emphasizes the aulonomous activc nature of hman beings within<br />

each persd 'A pcrn tba! docs hi! om ih;!Es'. Iftjs tvPe of<br />

hunanjsm includ€s self-actualization psycholos/ of l@ing<br />

Scienrific hunanilm enpbasiza the eDbd.erent of hm,n<br />

welfe tlnough lhe appli@tion of scienlific process to the solution<br />

of the prevailing sooiai probleslg of huMn beinS!. ft s kind of<br />

hurnanjsn hlmonias best with cognitive inienction Psycholo$/<br />

(Bigge & Sh€mis. 1992: 25).<br />

Cldsical hmanisn enersed at the close of the middle<br />

ages, duing the Renaissance. lt emerged as an endcavor of pmple<br />

lo Aain more urderstanding of the uive|se and themelves.<br />

Classical hlllrEists believed $at hunan beings Ethu than the<br />

Scripnre i.e., Gosp€l were lo b. the sia<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>i's poiht in satisryine<br />

humaniry's urse lowards individual developE€ . To gain<br />

unde$tdding of the ideal mtue of humal bcin$, htmtanistic<br />

schola$ tmed !o the cllssi.s ofthe ancient Cteece a Ron€. nle<br />

resultins cldsical hlll]Bisn of the Renaissan@ wa! developed on<br />

lhe assumption that a reutsl-&tiv€ rarioral dibj wbose dn€dion<br />

of grc*th wa! lo bc provid€d iom wirhh not by yielding to dE<br />

bel$t of every cbrnc€ iryuls€, bd by following pdmiPlB tlat e<br />

individual formulaied for guidancc, coDsking of hamodou!<br />

developnor of a[ peren's irher€nt pow6 so tbal no on€ hculty<br />

was overdeveloped at the experue of others (Bigge & Shemis.<br />

1992: 25-26).

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