I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission

I I|GSF hr tt.l.rt!.t tn.!. tr tlltbi - Higher Education Commission


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8.o!p .ctivilies by som studenls. ExDe<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s od l@eF@nteredness<br />

inibm u! that s@h a<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>itudes arc nornal and !n.y snouk b€<br />

w€lcome 4 natuml bequse p€ople leam by di<strong>tr</strong>ercnr modes. Thi!<br />

js a pan ofth€n individualiry, $rhich shouid be rcspecr.d_<br />

'the <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>'ird obserarion has to do with rhe problen of tiDc.<br />

This is <s<strong>tr</strong>ong>tn</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>e same obsenatioD tlEt hls beeo mentioEd bv rhe<br />

students in tlE negarive category of rh€ ques<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>omire. A d bas<br />

been said about this dd whal rely mders is 10 be awar€ ilar<br />

how well not how much !o @ver oftlE msrerial. Tlinss aE io be<br />

judsed by their Bdts.<br />

Observarion (a) is rouching ulon rhe difiicu<strong>tr</strong>y rhe bacher/<br />

ressrchs raced wher clEckin8 ard mooi.odng group acdviris.<br />

InB e.s dE to rhc large nmtF of sruddls p€r clars. Thc<br />

prcblem was more evid€nr with rlE gi<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>s' school b€ca6€ of s.x<br />

di<strong>tr</strong>ercnc€s r'/ith researcher-teaclE.. The rPxr obs€narion (5) in<br />

thjs List is d|e problem of rhe tale dival oi eme of d,e smdenB<br />

especially in the evening shift. TlJs was a conmon pneno,Enon ur<br />

the fiBt periods of$e day. ftou8h rhis d;t'<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ed tle ctass yet jl<br />

did not a<strong>tr</strong>ecl the oveFll outcome ofthe lnrdy_<br />

obsenatjon (6) has to do wirh lack of disciplinei this becomes<br />

ve./ alllloyDg esp€.ially during goup acriviri€s. Sone $udeDrs do<br />

not take the activiry seriously and become disruptive ro oth€$ th€<br />

result of which js finle b€nefii is achieved. tsk of discipli*,<br />

however is an inte@tional ph€nonenon ond it is panicrnady<br />

s<strong>tr</strong>org in ov€rcmwd€d clases. Ev€A her€ i<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong> pabsra<strong>tr</strong> rej.Ders<br />

cMplab of this probl@ric bebayior of sobe of tuir sntde s.<br />

Obs€nadon (7) slaEs rime p.oblem wfth observa<strong>tr</strong>on nuDb€r<br />

t<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>ee. above and rle 6Bt one of rhe n%arjve car.gory of the<br />

queslornaE. Tt Froblem ot lhc experi<strong>tr</strong>Dtat groups was behind<br />

tbe cnEol gor.ps. Agaiq oDe can say thar tlle EnrE of t.3mercetuered<br />

approacb€s dep€nds on wh.t rhe s<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>hr</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>dent! cal) bring wirh<br />

lhen to the ct$sroom The coftol ll!ture of {le t€ach<strong>tr</strong> in ft.<br />

t ad;tional nerhods nakes eay for him to con<strong>tr</strong>ol the activilies.<br />

Fwd|e<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>l|oi!. wirb exp€nEnlzl gmlq, s lesson ietdcd a nunbs<br />

or acn!'bs. rne sDe 6not E'le wirh co<s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rt</s<strong>tr</strong>ong>rolgroups.

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