JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet


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yetu kuhusu inchi yetu ya badaye. Actually that depends on how from the grass root up to national level. So the problems we<br />

have in Kenya today is starting with the local level for example today here…….<br />

Com.Swazuri: Kina mama tafadhalini<br />

Mr Abdi: There are a lot of people who are discussing who are debating who are asking for Majimboism and by the way I<br />

need to be given my opinion. My opinion is such that I might be contrary to so many who have affect from me so and that is my<br />

opinion as such the question of majimboism is that it remains to our community and our culture as a whole.<br />

One as far as mandera people are concerned the North eastern people are concern we have very close neighbours to a<br />

community who has been without a government for the last ten years. The concequence of that is that we are going to share the<br />

same same mentality or we are already sharing the same mentality the same perception, the same belives with them and accept<br />

the tribal conflict the tribal locality is all breading in our community. As such for the last thirty three years, Kenyan government<br />

has already incurred or implicated so many things to our community of North Eastern province.<br />

We really want to have another one implicated by you people within the province. So that so also the first thing I would like to<br />

say are this. Personally I am (inaudible)----------- I want a unitary government. The government that I want to appear is a<br />

parliamentary systen of government whose president is elected by the entire (inaudible)----------------------------------------<br />

of the of the present of the number of province of Kenya. There should also be a prime minister.<br />

Translator: Waxan kasoxorjetha gowoleysi marbono waxan rawa natham barlaman mathax weynaay gowolkasta wain<br />

25% lagadhorta.<br />

Mr Abdi: After that after the president we should also have a para a prime minister elected by the arliamentarians.<br />

Translator: Waxan rawa prime minister oo nitham ax oo barlamanka dhprtan ayan raw.<br />

Mr Abdi: The (inaudible)---------------------------- as constituency.<br />

Translator: Mathax weynaxa yusan noconin nin muthana oo lagasodhorto ama Counstituency.<br />

Mr Abdi: He should be elected by the by the public directly by every body.<br />

Translator: Mathax weynaxa wa in shicibka oo dhadka ey dhortan wa in u axatha.<br />

Mr Abdi: It should (inaudible)------------------------- for all constituency of Kenya.<br />

Translator: Wadh shegtey.<br />

Mr Abdi: The former presidential appointeies position should be appoint by the president and it be accepted to the approval<br />

of a certain number of the parlementarians from all parties of the legislature.<br />

Translator: Kumafaxmin.<br />

Mr Abdi: The former president appointees positions should be appointed by the president and should be accepted with the<br />

approval of the parliamentary.<br />

Translator: Dhadki mathax weynaxa umagac awijirey wa in u magac awaain barlamanka lagaogalatho.<br />

Mr Abdi: The term of office of the president should be six years<br />

Speaker: (inaudible)-----------------------------<br />


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