JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet


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access passports easily even during holy mounth of ramathan when they are in the mosques here in the local electricity supply<br />

they take off the lights and they don’t have the lights during that holy month of Ramathan. So he would like the constitution to<br />

protect that.<br />

Abdi Shek Hassan: Tan kaley wain MP ga iyo mathax weynaxawo ey nocthan dhad lacag leh marki lasothoranayo ey faqir<br />

noqonin. Intas ayan ogabaxay Assalamu aleykum.<br />

Translator: So the other one he wants when you are elected a member of parliament he should be a very rich man even the<br />

president they should be very rich people.<br />

Speaker: Thank you very much Abdi Hassan, do we have Binta Bulu Mohammud, okay<br />

Binta Buru: (Somali dialect ) Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim. Aniga waxa laida Binta Haji Buthul waxan axay xoyoyinka<br />

magalatha bula Hindi.<br />

Translator: Binta Haji Buru one of the women leaders from Bula India village here in mandera.<br />

Binta Buru: Anigon bathineynin waxanaxay dhad muslim eh maogalin sharciga labathalayo in dinta islamka lasofaragaliyo.<br />

Translator: In the process reviewing the Constitution we need the Islamic religion to be given the protection it deserves.<br />

Binta Buru: Mita kaley on kuxijinayo anaga waxan naxay xawen xaquqthena wey thugan taxay.<br />

Translator: The women in the Muslim community currently we are deprived of our rights.<br />

Binta Buru: Xaquqtha an lenaxay waxa waye anaga o towon ilmoth dalney aya guriga qanjaxa nalagabixini oo bananka taga<br />

nalaleye.<br />

Translator: You have a tenth child your wife for so many years and somebody divorces you and he just kicks you out of the<br />

property of the house.<br />

Binta Buru: Kol xorey abexey guri imudisin aniga o yar oo shan iyo towon jiro ayu nin isiyey.<br />

Translator: He said if she did not get any inherit from her father she was given to somebody at the age of fifteen years and<br />

that is the place she has lived all her life<br />

Binta Buru: Ninki an towan udaleyna bananka ayu ijojiyey, guri imudisin gari umugathin waxbana imusinin.<br />

Translator: The man I have been with for so many years he just kicked me out he never give me an alternative out, no<br />

property no vehicle no what, just kicks you out.<br />

Binti Buru: Waxan rawa sharciga labadalo xaquthena islamka in nalogudharo.<br />

Translator: I need very strong in the new constitution to protect that right for women so that we can not be kicked out just<br />

like that if somebody has just finish his leisure with us.<br />

Binti Buru: Geweda marki lafuro guriga walagaqathanaya mexerkethi lamasinayo ki ogubathan aya shan kun sini kikaleyna<br />

bananka ayu kuturi.<br />

Translator: And when they divorce sometime they even take the cloth they take all the property every thing they don’t give<br />

any dowry.<br />

Translator: (Somali dialect) Marka dinta islamka maogalo waxas daqankina Somali waye.<br />

Binti Boru: Marku col doco ilmaxa aniga ayey iguxarayin markey gaja imato aniga yey iguxarayin markey shaqa wayan oo<br />

abixi wax wayo aniga aya thusha oguxamala marka marabno sharciga labathalayo in nalogutharo xaquqtha bilcanta wixi sharcii<br />


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